-- Rick Perry is hosting a sausage fest. No, really. "Assorted Wild Game Sausages" are one of the items on the men-only menu. I'm guessing there won't be cocktail weenies. But I wouldn't be surprised if Bilderburgers with a side of minced poor people is an option.
-- Remember the $1 million donation to the Republican Governors' Association made by FOX News' parent, News Corp.? They finally deigned to allow Media Matters to respond with an ad on their network. It will air tonight during Bill O'Reilly's show.
-- The organization formerly known as Renew Houston (they still go by that name, but their .org domain now redirects to VoteFORProp1.com) released news about a survey showing their charter amendment on Harris County's November ballot is favored by about 60% of likely voters.
In the new poll, which was conducted from September 6–9, 61 percent of voters said they would vote for the measure after hearing the question that will appear on the November ballot. After learning about the costs of the measure, voters continued their strong support, with 58 percent voting for the measure and 31 percent voting against it.
On the same day, KHOU released news about a survey showing 53% against, 42% in favor.
A majority of Houston voters do not support a $5 monthly fee to improve the city’s drainage and streets, according to an 11 News/KUHF-Houston Public Radio poll released Monday.
Rice University’s Center for Civic Engagement conducted the poll, which surveyed 500 registered voters in the city of Houston earlier this month. It had a margin of error of 4.5 percentage points. ...
When asked whether they would "allow the city of Houston to charge each household a $5 monthly fee to maintain and improve Houston’s drainage and streets," just 42 percent of respondents said they favored the idea.
Fifty-three percent said they opposed it and just five percent were undecided or refused to answer.
Which poll do you believe?
"(I)t all depends on how you ask the question," said Keith Wade, a consultant for (Renew Houston).
-- Speaking of re-names, "high fructose corn syrup" now wants to be called "corn sugar".
-- Boeing is dismantling the facility which housed the construction of B-17s and B-29s and B-52s during WWII at its sprawling plant in Seattle. The massive assembly line was staffed by thousands of workers, almost half of them female, and the term "Rosie the Riveter" was coined for them. Some great old photos and a video at the link.
-- The last Boy Scout camp in Southeast Texas -- the one I went to for half a dozen summers was sold long ago to logging interests -- is going to have a wood waste facility built right next door. All in the name of economic progress.
-- Speaking of Southeast Texas, my alma mater won its first home football game in 21 years, the week after narrowly losing their first game in 21 years (on the road at McNeese State). There were a few hours of tailgating before kickoff, and a promenade to the stadium of players, coaches, band, mascot, cheerleaders, and fans.