Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly from yesterday: still to be determined

-- Chris Bell and Joan Huffman will be in a run-off to serve as my state senator. Republican stalking horse Stephanie Simmons came in third. Al Edwards was supporting her.

Get your self behind Bell NOW, Al. Enough of this faux-Republican BS from you.

-- Control of the Texas House may hinge on the provisional ballots cast in the HD-105 race between Linda Harper-Brown and Bob Romano. If Democrat Romano can pull it out, the House will be split 75-75. They are currently separated by 25 votes. There will likely be a recount as well.

-- Election Day GOTV sucked in Texas, and indeed all across the nation. Kuffner says it best (and always nicer than me):

Turnout fell short of all of the optimistic projections. In Harris County, the total number of voters is given as 1,184,820, out of an also-lower-than-expected 1,892,656 registrations, for a 62.6% turnout. That represents 450,000 ballots cast yesterday after the 730,000 of early voting, so a bit less than 62% of all votes were cast in Harris during early voting. Statewide, the tally with a handful of precincts still out was 8,042,270 in the Presidential race, which is given as 59.24% turnout. Again, I have to wonder what might have happened had there been a concerted effort by the Obama campaign to organize and turn people out in Texas, rather than use Texas to turn out voters in other states. I plan to be a little bitter about this, which takes a wee bit of the joy out of the Presidential result from last night, and I daresay I will not be the only person to do so.

Less than 500,000 here yesterday, and less than 1.2 mil across Texas. Hard to say how many races that may have cost us, but Stace is already apologizing for low Hispanic turnout in Harris County.

I'll bitch about that later. For the moment, go read the comments at the link for some thought provocation.