Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly from yesterday: The Good

-- The best: President-elect Barack Hussein Obama, a Senate approaching filibuster-proof, and a strenghthened House majority. The best possible outcome for the United States and the world, as far as I am concerned. As for my electoral prediction, I missed Indiana going blue but it looks like I got all the rest right.

-- Harris County Sheriff-elect Adrian Garcia, County Attorney-elect Vince Ryan, and County Clerk-elect Loren Jackson. Harris County Democrats won 30 of 35 county-wide contests including most of the judicials. I am taking great pleasure in specifically congratulating Judges-elect Al Bennett, Dion Ramos (he's Cubano like Mrs. Diddie), Larry Weiman, blogger Mike Englehart, Shawna Reagin, Steven Kirkland, and Robert Hinojosa. All of these new Democratic judges I have somehow managed to establish personal associations with (however brief and limited that may be). I anticipate they will serve the citizens of Harris County fairly, impartially, and with distinction.

-- Appeals court judge-elect Jim Sharp is a particularly sweet victory. Sharp is one of the good guys, and a real progressive we have now on the bench. Maybe the Texas Supreme Court one day, Jim?

-- New Democrats in the Texas House: Kristi Thibaut (insert big fat yahoo here), Diana Maldonado, Robert Miklos, Carols Kent and Alvarado, Chris Turner and Joe Moody. Re-elected Texas House Democrats: my very own Ellen Cohen, my old friend Valinda Bolton, Joe Heflin from Plainview, Paula Pierson, Donna Howard, Kirk England, Allen Vaught, and Hubert Vo. The Dallas-area Democrats again led the way with state legislative gains, including state Sen.-elect Wendy Davis.

-- And Bill Dingus getting 35% against Speaker Tom Craddick gets marked down as a real good thing.

-- Harris County Department of Education trustees-elect Deb Kerner (an old Meyerland Dem pal) and Jim Henley (with whom we celebrated late returns last night) are also gratifying wins.