Monday, October 19, 2020

The Election 2020 Wrangle from Far Left Texas

I'm throwing in some centrist viewpoints for balance.

TXElects has a great deal of analysis based on their internal models and posted outside its paywall. Excerpting liberally:

Trump is currently projected to win the state by 2 points over Biden, 50.5%-48.5%. He carried the state by 9 points, 52%-43%, in 2016. The projected 2020 margin is slightly tighter than Ted Cruz’s 50.9%-48.3% victory over then-U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-El Paso) in 2018.

A total of 20 races’ ratings moved one column toward the Democrats:

  • President to Toss Up from Lean Republican
  • CD2 (Crenshaw) to Toss Up from Lean Republican
  • CD3 (Taylor) to Toss Up from Lean Republican
  • CD31 (Carter) to Toss Up from Lean Republican
  • HD64 (Stucky) to Toss Up from Lean Republican
  • HD92 open to Toss Up from Lean Republican
  • HD93 (Krause) to Toss Up from Lean Republican
  • HD121 (Allison) to Toss Up from Lean Republican
  • HD66 (Shaheen) to Lean Democratic from Toss Up
  • HD67 (Leach) to Lean Democratic from Toss Up
  • HD112 (Button) to Lean Democratic from Toss Up
  • HD45 (Zwiener) to Likely Democratic from Lean Democratic
  • HD47 (Goodwin) to Likely Democratic from Lean Democratic
  • HD52 (Talarico) to Likely Democratic from Lean Democratic
  • HD102 (Ramos) to Likely Democratic from Lean Democratic
  • HD113 (Bowers) to Likely Democratic from Lean Democratic
  • HD129 (Paul) to Lean Republican from Likely Republican
  • HD150 (Swanson) to Lean Republican from Likely Republican
  • HD33 (Holland) to Likely Republican from Safe Republican; and
  • HD91 (Klick) to Likely Republican from Safe Republican.

The U.S. Senate inches closer to the Toss Up line but remains rated as Lean Republican along with the other statewide races.

The nine Republican-held House seats projected to flip to the Democrats are HD26 open (Miller), HD64, HD66, HD67, HD96 open (Zedler), HD108 (Meyer), HD112, HD134 (S. Davis) and HD138 open (Bohac). The four within a point of flipping are HD92 open, HD93, HD94 (Tinderholt) and HD121. The Senate seat projected to flip to the Democrats is SD19 (Flores).

The four Congressional seats projected to flip to the Democrats are CD10 (McCaul), CD21 (Roy), CD22 open (Olson), CD23 open (Hurd) and CD24 open (Marchant). The three additional seats within 1.2 points of flipping are CD2, CD3 and CD31.

Read on there, and don't miss "Echoes of 2010" at the end.  My personal O of Jeff Blaylock's news and views is that his bias leans toward establishment conservatism, but he is very fair and accurate.  A less partisan Joe Straus Republican, as I might best classify.  Or the reverse of Mustafa Tameez, if that helps.  So this is a very rose-colored snapshot for Texas Democrats coming from him, and very much in line with my own prognostications.  For you data nerds, Derek Ryan has his pie charts and bar graphs posted (.pdf) for last week's partisan and demgraphic EV analysis.

Turnout remained wowza through the weekend, which is where all this optimism is coming from, and if it holds, it's going to be a big blue wipeout for Team Elephant.

All of the state's counties are blowing the roof off, but Harris County ...

Guess who's complaining about long lines at their EV polling places?

Another guess what: Harris County's boffo vote turnout may STILL not be enough to get it done for Joe Biden and MJ Hegar (as both TXElects and I have already said).

So for all you Democrats still hoping for a clean sweep, it's time for you to get on your phones and text/call/email/browbeat/cajole/guilt your registered voter friends and family.

As of 7pm on Sunday October 18, 2020, according to GitHub’s U.S. Elections Project, only 3.8 million people in Texas have voted so far. 3,881,004, to be precise. This is no good. We have 16.9 million voters in Texas, so that means 13.1 of y’all still haven’t made it out.

According to the AP, thus far, Democrats have been outvoting Republicans 2:1, but that could change at any minute. We aren’t safe until every one casts their vote.

(What I like about Michelle is that she doesn't tear down the Green Party in relentlessly boosting the Blues.  She's definitely a VBNMW kinda person, but she focuses her considerable ire and wit in the right direction and not the left.  Her blog is must-reading for you Democrats in North Texas.)

John Cornyn keeps shitting his own bed, and I am here for it.

He doesn't dare debate Hegar again. He can't afford another beating.

Progressives and liberals: share the wealth!

And with lots more non-election/turnout-related posts and Tweets to come later in the week, I'll wrap this Wrangle here.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Sunday "A Bigger Boat" Funnies

Mike Peterson at The Daily Cartoonist has a list of cartoonists’ Patreon and other support sites. As newspapers and media companies continue to shed staff positions, direct support from readers becomes ever more important. Please check it out and consider giving support where you can.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Election 2020 Update: Town Hell, Dianne Resignstein, Senate flip-flop

But no fundraising chatter.  That's for the duopoly, the consultants, and the corporate media.  If we had an actual democracy, then news solely of interest to the plutocracy would not dominate the reporting at the end of the election cycle.  Especially when 900,000 Americans filed for unemployment this week, people without the money to buy insulin are trading it for free on the underground market, and those working three gigs still won't have health insurance after Amy Coathanger Barrett becomes a Supreme Court Justice this time next week.

The obscenities of our current political system are all these and more.  And electing Joe Biden -- and a slate of Blue Dog Democrats down the ballot -- are not going to fix any of them.

End of rant.

On NBC, an aggrieved president perched on a stool, fought with the moderator, refused to rebuke dangerous conspiracy theories and spewed misinformation about a deadly pandemic.

A click away on ABC, Joe Biden offered detailed if long-winded policy discussions as he issued calls for national unity to a deeply divided nation.

These weren’t just different channels; they were different worlds.

Sure, some news was committed. Biden promised George Stephanopoulos of ABC News that he would clarify his views before Election Day on expanding the size of the Supreme Court, a notable pivot for a candidate who has refused to get into the issue.

And in an unusual choice, Biden engaged in the theoretical exercise of what would happen if he lost the election. A candidate’s standard answer to that question is, “I’m not going to lose.”

Biden took a different approach.

“It could say I’m a lousy candidate and I didn’t do a good job,” he said. “But I think -- I hope that it doesn’t say that we are as racially, ethnically and religiously at odds with one another as it appears the president wants us to be.”

Archie Bunker and Mr. Rogers, when we could have had FDR.  Or even Henry Wallace.  Instead, Barack Obama decided we should have a brain-addled reincarnation of Harry MF'n Truman.

Trump, meanwhile, was grilled by Savannah Guthrie of NBC News over a series of his dubious and outright false claims. When he said that data showed that 85 percent of people who wear masks still catch the coronavirus, Ms. Guthrie noted that he had falsely characterized a study.

When he tried to dance around the date of his last negative coronavirus test before his diagnosis -- information that would clarify whom the president might have exposed and when -- Guthrie’s questioning made it clear he was dodging.

“Possibly I did, possibly I didn’t,” he said, when pressed on whether he took a test on the day of his first debate with Biden.

And he professed ignorance about QAnon, the sprawling pro-Trump conspiracy theory community whose bizarre claims that the world is run by a cabal of satanic pedophiles have been linked to real-world violence. This week, the president retweeted bonkers theories from several QAnon supporters.

His excuse boiled down to: Retweets don’t equal endorsements.

“I don’t get that,” Ms. Guthrie exclaimed. “You’re the president. You’re not like someone’s crazy uncle who can just retweet whatever.”

Yes, one of these is worse than the other.  And when the two choices are eating shit or drinking piss, I choose neither.

Biden is going to win in a landslide.  Don't get spooked.  Yes, there will be voting machine malfunctions, and poll workers contracting COVID, and excessively long lines, and all of the many and varied forms of vote suppression Republicans have made famous.  You shall overcome.

And Biden's coattails will be long, and they will be running both ways.

I still won't be voting for him, because Texas being in play means it's a wipeout for Trump pretty much everywhere else, from NY to CA, Seattle to Miami.

Senate control remains a very close question, with Georgia being the wildest of cards.  Don't waste any more time, effort, or money on Amy McGrath.  Please.  Grist says that the fate of the planet runs through four seats.  Two are all but certain to flip to blue, and the other two wouldn't surprise very many people if they did.

Those four Repukes -- Tillis of NC, Daines of MT, Ernst of IA, and Collins of ME -- are part of CNN's ten most likely swaps, with Doug Jones (D) of AL losing his, along with Cory Gardner (R) of CO and Martha McSally (R) of AZ.  That's a net gain for Team Donkey of four, maybe five.

I think Gary Peters in MI will survive, and Lindsey Graham was in serious danger prior to the Barrett hearings this week and the helpful assist provided by the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.  He's been saved.


Not on anyone's list for flipping -- to be fair, it's been off, on, and lately off -- is Texas.  Though MJ Hegar won't be able to blame it on the wealthy making it rain on her.

I'll do another Texas round-up tomorrow before the Funnies on Sunday.