Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sunday "Gish Gallop" Funnies

From Wikipedia: The Gish Gallop is a rhetorical technique in which a person in a debate attempts to overwhelm an opponent by presenting an excessive number of arguments, without regard for their accuracy or strength, with a rapidity that makes it impossible for the opponent to address them in the time available. Each point raised by the Gish Galloper takes considerably longer to refute than to assert. The technique wastes an opponent’s time and may cast doubt on the opponent’s debating ability for an audience unfamiliar with the technique, especially if no independent fact-checking is involved, or if the audience has limited knowledge of the topics.

So ... the old throw-everything-against-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks gambit.

It was a week. Monday:
Tuesday was Snow Day along the Gulf of MEXICO coast, so we forgot our executive order cares for a few hours (those of us, that is, who aren't worried about paying a bill or keeping a roof over our head or efforting to miss La Migra).

Tuesday was also National Coming Out Day.

Yeah, things are going to get worse (and no, Kamala wouldn't be any better. For one thing, there'd be no ceasefire at the moment. Blaming Jill Stein again is just your class privilege screeching).

You see, Trump thinks the US runs on oil and gas. But we all know it actually runs on coffee -- and not Dunkin' or Starbucks -- because 82% of the unroasted coffee beans used in Our Country are imported from Central and South America. FAFO.

By Wednesday I had begun compartmentalizing the gloating, the whining, and the associated legacy media coverage so that I could get through the winter storm Enzo cabin fever.
They're both criminals who pardon their friends and family. One's been convicted.
Speaking of Rupert Murdoch, Ben Jennings notes that he got his ass handed to him again, having settled with The Harry Formerly Known as Prince in a pre-trial agreement that cost him a public apology for illegal phone tapping and other outrages, as well as an undisclosed eight-figure settlement ...
Brilliant cartoonist, author, and playwright Jules Feiffer passed away last Thursday, a little over a week before his 96th birthday.

Growing up, I mostly got to see his cartoons when I came across a copy of the Sunday Chicago Sun-Times, which ran his work in their newsmagazine supplement. It wasn’t the paper we got at home, but if I spotted one a neighbor had put out for recycling, I would salvage the magazine and clip out Feiffer’s cartoon.

Eventually, I found his books ...

Sunday, January 19, 2025

"Inaugurate This" Toons

Please read Edith Pritchett's full eulogy of TikTok before Trump Tha God raises them from the dead tomorrow or the next day. (I thought the legend was three days, but whatever.)

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Scenes from the Texas Legislature's Opening Shitstorm

Which you won't be able to see if you've quit TwiX. The day began cold and uh, shriveled.

Played two songs and dipped. Hey, he's old.

Nick Anderson gave us the cartoon preview, and Pastors for Children posted the early line.

Johnnie Mo had the gameday program, and Justin Miller at the Observer provided the lineup and profiles of the puppetmasters and slaveholders.

Snark did not run as strong as in years past due to the Xitter exodus, but there were some hot takes and solid analysis amidst the incessant bleating of the MAGA minions.

Oh yeah. The Speaker's race. Almost forgot.

I'll continue the ridicule of our Lone Star Fascists -- the Texas GOP, the Cook caucus, the bussed-in 'Ban Democrat Chairs' redshirts from the boondocks -- but a few words need to be said about the Texas Democrats, who despite the prowess awarded them by the afore-mentioned, are not nearly so mighty as anyone should believe.

Imagine that: Donks not voting for the lesser of two piles of dogshit.

Naturally/unfortunately/regrettably, the Democrat who ran for Speaker was one of those who voted for the greater evil.

Demonstrating once again that the phrase "progressive Democrat" has been rendered worthless. Back to the MAGA-on-"RINO" violence.

In the midst of so much hatred and intolerance from so many Christian conservatives, this was the best thing that happened yesterday:

Sunday, January 12, 2025

"Let's Stop Calling It Democracy" Funnies

I thought we needed a (bipartisan? Since Teddy's there, multi-partisan? For George Washington's sake let's call it nonpartisan) laugh.

Let's just not call it democracy.
Brian McFadden:
I'm not going to tune out of the news like many people have wisely done since the election, and I'm sure I'll be drawing those shitheads a lot, but I can't do another four years of "GET A LOAD OF THIS BOZO!" every week. It obviously had no effect the last time I did it, so why subject myself to that again?

Brad's collation will always be there for you, Brian.
On the tenth anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, Clay Jones reminds that censoring cartoonists has a long and too often violent history.

And Mother Nature, aka climate change, emphasized her irritation again at homo sapiens and our reckless stewardship.
California Democrats do own this disaster, but the DEI firehose is MAGA douchebaggery. The toon fix was necessary.

Anita Bryant's anti-gay campaign called 'Save The Children' was the blueprint for every homophobic attack on queer people for nearly 50 years. She had several top 20 hits in the '60s, was seen regularly on TV as a spokesperson for the Florida Citrus Commission, and in death is recognized mostly for her bigotry.

JP Rowling might take that legacy under careful consideration.

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Sunday 'CEOs with the Big Brains' Funnies

Lots of variations on the exploding-CyberTruck-at-Trump Vegas theme. This one, with the used car lot echoing the recent safety report (and covering several other trending topics), won.

News item:

You should also read Nick AndersonClay Jones, and Mike Peterson, for their toons and words.

Joe Biden will -- perhaps -- seek absolution from Pope Francis on his way out the White House door. I would only hope that it resembles the scene from Godfather Coda; not so much Michael Corleone's hypoglycemic episode as the mild condemnation from JP1.

In what lucid moments he has remaining, he'd do well to emulate another devout Christian whose presidency was considered a failure. His regret about not making more money bodes poorly for him.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Twenty Twenty-Five Toons

("Meddy New Yeah" Funnies from last Sunday here.)

Off to a bad start.

Still hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

MAGA might have a hangover as we approach the inauguration.

A New Year's resolution I will effort to keep is not to argue with any bots.

I did get my shit together a couple of times last year, but then I couldn't lift it.