Saturday, May 14, 2005

I love a parade!

Today I'm going downtown for the Art Car Parade (here's a pic of a car I like) and I have not one but TWO invitations to march (walk, actually; it's been decades since I marched) -- one is with the Global Awareness puppetistas, who are in town for the Halliburton shareholders protest next week, and also with the local chapter of DFA and "Spanky". Following that we will proceed to the "Save America Without DeLay Family Fun Festival", sponsored by the afore-mentioned Democracy for Houston and featuring not only fun, food, games, and carnival rides but some workshops and speeches by Richard Morrison, Chris Bell, Lou Dubose and others.

But I didn't want to let the weekend pass without commenting on last Thursday's Tom DeLay Benefit Gala/Salute to Imperialism held in Washington. Then I found that northstar had already said it all:

There is a lesson to be learned in the Tom DeLay saga. It’s probably not a lesson that you’re going to want to pass along to your children, but it’s one that the Medicis, were they to be alive today, would be proud of.

What’s the lesson? Clearly, when it comes to crime and ethical lapses, bigger is better. If you’re caught robbing the corner gas station, you’re going to do some hard time. If you’re caught taking bribes, breaking campaign financing laws, and/or shredding the House of Representatives ethics rules, (they) call you “The Hammer” and throw $250-per-plate dinners in your honor. Get caught with your hand in the till, and you’re going to get fired. Buy the loyalty of virtually every Republican member of Congress, and you could get away with buggering Bill Frist’s pet goat.

Yes, Conservatives LOVE Tom DeLay, which, I suppose, only goes to show how craven, self-absorbed, and thoroughly ethically-challenged these folks truly are. If you a Conservative True Believer, the only thing that really matters is the collection and maintenance of political power, because without political power you’re just another cranky dissident whining about how the world is going to hell in a handbasket.

Thursday night’s DeLay tribute dinner may have brought a smile to DeLay’s face and an extra bounce to his step, but those of us who didn’t spend $250 to eat filet mignon and salmon should take heed. These folks care nothing about this country and the greater good. What they care about is staying on top of the political heap and forcing their narrow, fear-based agenda on the rest of us. The rest are mere details.

And DeLay has the cojones and the chutzpah to accuse Democrats of having no class? Good God, man…when’s the last time this demagogue took a good look in the mirror??


He did forget to mention the tiny candy hammers served as dessert, though...

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