Tuesday, January 11, 2022

A Voting Wrangle for Taco Tuesday

First political things first: Houston and Austin have city council seats to fill, and those special elections are on tap.

Lots of Democratic supporters are throwing in to help Team Blue for the spring.

"Historic"?  Okay, whatever.  Kuff posted the D primary campaign interviews conducted so far.

With some thoughts on the ancillary issues affecting Democrats' prospects, Michael Li explains why the discourse about how the Donks have "won" redistricting misses a lot of the picture.  Rick Casey predicts the future following the ongoing 2020 election fraudit.  And Steve Vladeck observes that the vaccine mandate cases before SCOTUS are really about the future power of federal administrative agencies to regulate... anything.

Here's something I didn't see coming: the Texas Tribune finds a "bothsides-ism" in that TXGOP tweet about standing in line.

Is "owning the libs" really the same as obstructing democracy oligarchy/plutocracy?  Apparently that's the case on social media, according to the state's most prominent political outlet.  I'm sure Evan Smith and Ross Ramsey have been taking a lot of incoming fire from the Republicans in charge lately, being accused of librul bias and all, so it's important for them to find an angle that lets them mollify the freak right whenever they can.

 That's my segue to 'Republicans behaving badly'.

Luther does not understand the difference between Chinese students and the Chinese government.  I'm being charitable; she is obviously a bigot.  She's been thoroughly denounced -- if only by one brave Republican -- and she should lose and go back to styling hair after March 1.

Texas teachers could easily swing the November elections to the Dems, but they've been unable to coalesce their caucus, just like every other left-leaning outfit in Texas.  I doubt whether a midterm election with a deeply unpopular Democratic president is going to change history.

We've reached the Governor Fish Lips portion of this segment.

Can't leave the Texas Democrats' bad behavior out.

Ogg is bad news; has been since the start.  (You may be unable to view this due to privacy settings; here's what it refers to.)

I have too many COVID posts -- everyone who isn't dead knows that's the top story -- so I'll save them for later.  Here's the latest cannabis news.

The climate headlines:

And a few social justice items.

Forrest Whitaker begs you to please not mess with Texas rock art.

Some good people died; some bad people also.

Glasstire eulogized Ann Harithas, artist, curator, and co-founder of the Houston Art Car Museum.

One soother.

Sunday, January 09, 2022

Friday, January 07, 2022

The Weekend Wrangle

It's been a very bad start to the new year for Texas Republicans.  Update:

To say they stepped in their own understates it.  Just follow the mockery.  Before I get to the rest of that, there's a few things that are more important to the rest of us.

But it might not matter, at least for Greg Abbott's political future.

Hope all those statewide Dems running on keeping the power on have a backup campaign plan.  Looks like they're gonna need it.

That's my segue.

So Ted Cruz had a worse week than this.  First, the Dallas Observer introduced us to his very online daughter, and then his treasonous actions from January 6, 2021 caught up with him, and his feeble explanations only dug his hole deeper.

But he was by no means alone.

Both Cruz and Crenshaw have been branded RINOs by the QAnon Caucus as fallout for these transgressions, i.e. telling the truth.  And I can't stop laughing.

Just cannot wait for the next poll in the TXGOP AG race.

So to summarize:

Unfortunately, Texas Democrats' top two prospects took serious hits themselves from what might usually be considered friendly sources.

Beto O'Rourke going rote was no surprise.  Lina Hidalgo discovered as a puppet of the oligarchy -- for this observer -- was.

 This probably won't register on the shitlibs' meters.

Here are the criminal and social justice updates; the first intersects with the environment.  (More climate news next week.)

Background on ShotSpotter.

Going long on soothers today.