Thursday, June 05, 2014

Conservatives plumb new low in disgraceful attacks on Bergdahl, family

This is as miserable and sorry as they have ever been.  I'm sure they can find a way to dig deeper at some point, but for now... congratulations, assholes.  You've hit the depths of the Mariana Trench.

When an emotional Jani and Robert Bergdahl strode into the White House Rose Garden on Saturday to the share the emotional announcement by President Obama that their son, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl would be returning home after being held captive for five years by the Taliban, it's unlikely they could have foreseen that their family would soon be under  attack by the right-wing media, or that Robert Bergdahl would be depicted on Fox News as a possible terrorist sympathizer; mocked on national television as he awaited a reunion with his ailing son.

They couldn't have foreseen it because I don't think it's ever happened before. I don't think we've ever seen a dedicated media campaign to not only undermine a returning prisoner of war, but to also cast doubt onto the soldier's family; to portray them as un-American even as they prepare for their reunion.

Instead, Fox News has helped transform the prisoner swap involving Taliban detainees into "an increasingly vicious partisan issue," as Buzzfeed described the Republican decision to go into  relentless attack mode, complete with enlisted publicists and strategists, to subvert the return of an American POW.

It's symptomatic of a conservative media mini-mob that now obsessively politicizing everything, and does it all with the knob turned up to 11. 

There was no epithet left wanting, no smear unused.

(T)his was a typical headline from one right-wing site this week: "Bergdahl: From POW to POS?", while The Drudge Report condemned the soldier as a "rat." As blogger Charles Johnson noted, by Tuesday, conservatives at Hot Air and Breitbart had posted no less than 42 Bergdahl items/rants between them. 

On Fox, the debate over whether Bergdahl deserted his post had long ago been settled, so they quickly moved onto the next phase of the campaign, which was suggesting, without any proof, that the U.S. soldier was actually a Taliban sympathizer who might have fought against American forces. "Can you imagine if it turns out that he was actually collaborating," Brian Kilmeade wondered out loud on Fox.

They went after his father's beard, for fuck's sake.

That mindset begins to explain why Kilmeade talked about Bowe Bergdahl's father this way:
I mean, he says he was growing his beard because his son was -- because his son was in captivity. Your son's out now. If you really don't, no longer want to look like a member of the Taliban, you don't have to look like a member of the Taliban. Are you out of razors?
The phrase 'dripping with contempt' barely covers the tasteless attack Kilmeade launched against a father who'd just spent every day of the previous five years trying to secure his son's release. For Fox talkers, that human element is irrelevant.

Meanwhile, Fox contributor Laura Ingraham stressed "More revelations coming out about the left-wing father of Sergeant Bergdahl I mean, left wing doesn't even begin to describe him." So being 'left wing' means you should be mocked while you await your son's return from a Taliban prison?

Taking the cue from the douchebags in conservative media, the Republick politicians sprayed Axe all over themselves to try to mask the foul odor of their reeking hypocrisy.

Recall that Republican Senators John McCain and Kelly Ayotte were in favor of bringing Bergdahl home -- until President Obama achieved it. In December, Allen West sneered that the Obama wasn't working hard enough to recover Bergdahl because there were "no camera highlights in it for him"; now that Obama has done so, West says he should be impeached.

So for the ODS sufferers, it's a win-win.  They get to attack Obama for securing a POW's release when they would have been able to attack Obama for leaving a POW behind, or die in custody, if he had not acted.

There may never be a more disgraceful moment for Republicans and conservatives than how they have treated Bowe Bergdahl and his family.  Unfortunately for all of us, however, the worst conservatives in the nation are holding their state convention in Dallas this weekend, and we should expect a rousing game of "Hey, watch this!" from them.  A showdown between the Open Carry Texas goons and the RPT security team assigned to keep them out?  More Abortion Barbie posters?

Use you imagination.  How much lower can Texas Republicans go, with the bar now set in the gutter?  Wading into the sewer isn't beneath them, as they have shown us before.  Septic tank dive, anyone?

Update: Said with a bit more incredulousness than me.

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

So much to blog about, so little time

-- The Benghazi-to-Bergdahl transmogrification of conservative outrage is complete.  Obama is now apologizing to senior members of Congress for doing what Bush did over 500 times, what Reagan did with 1500 missiles that went to Nicaraguan rebels in exchange for three Iranian hostages, and what Nixon did for Vietnam POWs, one of whom was an alleged Viet Cong collaborator named John McCain.

When they attacked Bergdahl's father for growing a beard -- this from the same people who worship the facial follicles of the Duck Dynasty crew -- my spin meter broke.

The stench of this latest Republican hypocrisy is just overwhelming.

Update: And people say I'm the one who's angry.

-- Speaking of extremist conservative hypocrites, the NRA crawfished on their denunciation of the Open Carry Texas freaks.  That brief moment of sanity was nice while it lasted.

-- Not content with quiet civilian life, Tom DeLay makes news again.  Oh, how we have missed him.

-- Maureen Dowd ate an entire marijuana candy bar -- it should have been sectioned into 16ths for "novices", but she said that wasn't printed on the label -- and suffered a bad trip.  No, really.

-- The NSA can hax all your I-Phones (even when you have turned them off), can haz all your data, can destroy it if they get caught.  But hey, why worry if you've got nothing to hide?

Send me a postcard from Gitmo, wouldja?  I'm sure you'll eventually be swapped out for bin Laden's driver, or somebody dangerous.  Just ask your dad not to grow a beard and you might not suffer any 'coming home' retribution from the real patriots.

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Weekend with Ted

Not such an excellent adventure.  I'm certain he feels otherwise, though.  Our little junior in the Senate, Ted "Poop" Cruz, won a straw vote taken among his core -- the looniest of the loony -- then went on This Weak with George Snuffleluffagus and preened.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, didn’t waste any time relaxing this weekend.

The junior senator and potential 2016 presidential contender appeared first at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans Saturday and then in a televised interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC Sunday night.

In New Orleans, Cruz, the pride of the Tea Party, appealed to the Southern conservative crowd, winning the conference’s presidential straw poll with over 30 percent of the vote. Dr. Ben Carson, a Fox news commentator, trailed close behind with just over 29 percent, but Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., won only 10 percent of the vote and Gov. Rick Perry won even less with five percent.


On Sunday, in an interview on ABC’s “This Week, ” Stephanopoulos pressed Cruz for information on his potential presidential bid and asked whether furthering factions in the Republican Party is the best strategy for winning the White House in 2016.

Cruz said strategies from 2010 and 1980 are examples of what Republicans need to do to maintain power in the House in 2014.

“The way we win…is drawing a line in the sand, standing for principle, drawing a clear distinction and making the case to the American people that an election matters,” he said.

Te Cruz is running for president?  Hadn't heard that before. *yawn*

David Denby at the New Yorker has him pretty well pegged, and not just his visage.

When Ted Cruz lies, he appears to be praying. His lips narrow, almost disappearing into his face, and his eyebrows shift abruptly, rising like a drawbridge on his forehead into matching acute angles. He attains an appearance of supplication, an earnest desire that men and women need to listen, as God surely listens. Cruz has large ears; a straight nose with a fleshy tip, which shines in camera lights when he talks to reporters; straight black hair slicked back from his forehead like flattened licorice; thin lips; a long jaw with another knob of flesh at the base, also shiny in the lights. If, as Orwell said, everyone has the face he deserves at fifty, Cruz, who is only forty-two, has got a serious head start. For months, I sensed vaguely that he reminded me of someone but I couldn’t place who it was. Revelation has arrived: Ted Cruz resembles the Bill Murray of a quarter-century ago, when he played fishy, mock-sincere fakers. No one looked more untrustworthy than Bill Murray. The difference between the two men is that the actor was a satirist.

It gets less personal and more better.

He seeks the Presidency, of course. And he appears to be doing it by sowing as much confusion and disorder as possible—playing the joker in a seemingly nihilistic charade whose actual intent is a rational grab for power. Does he have a chance? One wonders about his supporters. Are they in on the joke, aware that his concern is a mask? Or do they take him literally, as a truth-teller and a prophet? Are they cynics or true believers? If they are cynics, he will fail; if they are true believers, he could go very far, expanding his support in a messianic crusade, a quest to purify and redeem the nation.

Prior to the next election, Democrats can’t do much to deter him. They may hope that he continues his rampage, turning off big money and more and more of the electorate. His immediate threat, obviously, is to moderate Republicans. If he continues to blaze, they will be consumed. Then again, there is another side to the Joseph McCarthy story. After going too far—attacking the Army, in 1953 and 1954—McCarthy was censured by the Senate, in December, 1954. (He died less than three years later, of liver problems, at the age of forty-eight.) When the mask of sincerity gets smashed, the man wearing it may break apart, too.

2016 will be really fun if the Republicks nominate Cruz.  I just don't think they will do so.

Update: The TXGOP has selected Rand Paul as their keynoter at this weekend's state convention.  Both Cruz and Rick Perry will also address delegates with floor speeches.

Update II: In Senate hearings this morning regarding a potential amendment reversing Citizens United, Cruz accused "liberals" of attacking the First Amendment.  This is the grandest of political theater: Democrats in the Senate hold hearings on something they know will never pass -- really; it's the equivalent of House investigations into Benghazi or repealing Obamacare -- and Republicans moan and cry and then twist it into something completely ridiculous.