Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Teabagger starts fight at rally

What did you expect?

One person was arrested Tuesday after a scuffle broke out during a rally on the steps of City Hall to protest cuts in the state budget.

A Houston police spokesman confirmed that one person was arrested for misdemeanor assault but didn't have any specific details. The spokesman said it was the only incident of note at the Texans Day of Outrage protest rally.

A Houston man said a scuffle broke out after an unidentified man carrying an umbrella and a video camera moved toward the podium during one of the speeches.

"He kept advancing step by step, until he was right in his face," said Dan Joyce. Joyce said he supports the 400-500 people who attended the rally.

The man took a swing when Harris County AFL-CIO president E. Dale Wortham came toward him, Joyce said.

"He landed a punch," Joyce said. "Mr. Wortham did not retaliate."

Joyce said Wortham did not appear to be injured.

Others at the rally pulled the man away. Houston police officers took the man away in handcuffs, Joyce said.

Here's the video. Pretty provocative on the part of an old white dude all by himself.

Update: Stace at Dos has more pictures of the perp, including being handcuffed and led away by HPD. And the Chron has more video -- it inaccurately describes the rally and the counter-protest as between "Democrats" and "Republicans" -- that includes fellow blogger Egberto Willies...

Update II: Big Jolly demonstrates his math handicap again, though he does manage to conclude that Mr. Agitated TeaBagger was wrong in attacking the podium.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Taxing Questions – How Wisely is Tax Money Being Spent?

The following guest post is contributed by Phillip Donavan, who writes on the subject of Online Political Science Degrees. Phillip can be reached at his email: phillip dot donavan at gmail dot com.

The trade unions in Wisconsin want higher taxation for the super-rich so that their benefits are not cut; there are suggestions being put forward to increase gasoline tax to $1 by the CEO of Hess Corp., John B. Hess as a way to introduce fuel economy measures and moderate the demand for gas in the coming years; and there is a general outrage at the proposed hike in taxes. It is in this backdrop that we hear news of tax dollars being put to use to train counter-terrorist squads to annihilate Jihadi units.

But that’s not wrong, you say? Well, not if the units are being trained to counter terrorism in any form. But when they’re being indoctrinated to form an image of Muslims that is distorted and skewed, then we do have a problem at hand. According to progressive think tank Political Research Associates (PRA), the US government is spending millions of tax dollars to set up unregulated training programs for the police and others in law enforcement, and that these programs are spreading the ideology that Muslims as a whole are a dangerous lot because Islam is a violent religion that endorses terrorism.

One training conference which the agency attended was held late last year by the International Counter-Terrorism Officers’ Association, a unit of New York police officers formed after 9/11, and it featured an invective that could at best be called rabid; delivered by Muslim-turned-Christian Walid Shoebat who features in many of the training sessions, it went on to state how all Muslim men raped women and children and were pedophiles who were taught to kill people of other religions with a smile on their faces. The presentation was titled "The Jihadi Mindset and How to Defeat It: Why We Want to Kill You” and sought to negate the fact that Islam is a peaceful religion.

According to the author of the PRA report Thomas Cincotta, this kind of mental conditioning could spell disaster because it essentially conveyed the message that anyone who was a Muslim was a traitor and extremist. While it’s true that many terrorists follow extreme Islamic principles and methods, the converse is not always true – just because you’re a Muslim, it doesn’t give law enforcement the right to harass or persecute you. This is infringement of religious freedom, just as Tennessee is hoping to introduce a law that will ban the practice of the Islamic law Sharia which defines a way of life under the pretext that it breeds extremists and spawns terrorism.

By going to such extreme measures, we’re proving that we’re just as narrow-minded and bigoted as the few Muslims who hate the West and are bent upon wreaking havoc on any nation and its citizens who don’t follow Islam. We’re adopting their attitude and being indoctrinated into believing that all Muslims are terrorists and must be viewed with a jaundiced eye, just as extremists are raised to believe that the Western world is full of infidels who must be killed because they belong to a different faith.

When contacted, one of these training agencies, Security Solutions International (SSI) which is based out of Miami, responded to these allegations as those of “people who were politically motivated and out to weaken the anti-terrorism efforts of the country”. It’s all well and good to combat terrorism, but not with propaganda and vicious invective which is sure to harm and ruin innocent people just because they follow a certain way of life.

Update: More on this story from TPM Muckraker.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Weekly Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance is still working on springing its clocks forward as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff noted that in the days just before the Save Texas Schools rally, State Rep. Scott Hochberg filed a bill that made clear what the effects of cutting the public school budget would mean for local school districts.

Despite a strengthening progressive uprising, the Texas Democratic Party remains so feeble that it appears unable to capitalize on an open US Senate seat in 2012. That's why the nascent movement to draft Tommy Lee Jones to run keeps gaining steam, notes PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.

As thousands of Texans turned out on Saturday to "Save Texas Schools", WCNews at Eye On Williamson reminds us whose fault it is that Texas schools need saving -- and that their ruin has been the GOP's plan all along: Yes Governor Perry, it is your fault.

Letters From Texas poked fun at Bill O'Reilly for his claim that President Obama was the first African-American candidate for president, which is absolutely true if you ignore five or six other African-American candidates for president.

Libby Shaw at TexasKaos explains how Governor "It's not my fault" is going to cut care for Granny. Read all about it and then plan to attend the Day of Outrage event near you! See here for more.

Stace at DosCentavos also tells us about the big rally at the Texas Capitol. It's got pictures and everything!

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme notes Dan Patrick is a woman-hating asshat without a sense of irony.

Neil at Texas Liberal noted the March 12, 2011 passing of his father. Tony Aquino was a combat veteran of the Korean War, an award-winning journalist, and a committed liberal. Tony would have wanted you to each day fight for a more fair and just society.

This week at McBlogger, Captain Kroc went to the Rally to Save Texas Schools and came away a little underwhelmed.