Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Iran has no WMD program. That's why they must be bombed.

President Bush has stated that the national intelligence estimate indicating that Iran ceased its bid for nuclear viability in 2003 proves that we need to ratchet up more pressure on Iran.

That's right; because they stopped their weapons program, we must continue to threaten them with sanctions, leave "all options on the table", and so on.

After all, it's nothing but a vast left wing (and intelligence community) conspiracy that denies that World War III, instigated by a nuclear Iran, is imminent.

And naturally this dovetails precisely with the thinking of the saber-rattling, chest-beating, war mongering neoconservatives, Dick Cheney as usual leading the charge. Are you “formidable”, and do you have nuclear weapons? Then we don’t want to mess with you. But if you appear to be formidable and “evil”, but aren’t a threat -- real or imagined, to the US or your neighbors or anyone else -- then it is of the utmost importance to make sure that the weapons that aren’t being developed ... well, aren’t developed. Which is why the NIE confirms the reason why Iran must be attacked. ASAP.

Norman Podhoretz (he advises Rudy G) says so. John Bolton says so.

Update: Even though national security director Stephen Hadley and director of national intelligence Mike McConnell briefed senior administration officials on the NIE "beginning in July", Bush apparently knew nothing about it until Tuesday of this week (as he claimed in his press conference). Yet he mentioned it to Israeli prime minister Ehud Ohmert on Monday, November 26.

Why does anyone believe anything these people say any more? Even the locals, a rather Republican bunch, have stopped drinking the war Kool-Aid.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Larry Craig is still not gay

... no matter what those eight men claim, so stop saying that.

Dan Barrett for HD-97


From our press release:

The Texas Progressive Alliance, a confederation of political blogs, bloggers, and online activists from across Texas, today announced its endorsement of Dan Barrett (D-Fort Worth) in the special election runoff in House District 97.

"We believe that Dan Barrett will make an excellent addition to the growing numbers of Democrats in the Texas House of Representatives," said Vince Leibowitz, Chair of the Texas Progressive Alliance. "We are pleased to offer him our support," he continued.

In early November, Barrett led a field of seven candidates vying for the seat vacated by retiring State Rep. Anna Mowery, a longtime ally of Texas House Speaker Tom Craddick.

"I believe the voters in House District 97 are ready for a change and will realize that Dan Barrett will be no rubber-stamp for Tom Craddick's regime and policies," said Charles Kuffner of Houston, the vice chair of the Alliance.

This is the second year for the Alliance, which is made up of more than 50 bloggers representing more than 30 of the state's most widely read progressive political blogs, to endorse candidates through its TexRoots program.

The TexRoots program helps bring blog readers and online activists to specific candidates and races where their funds can make an immediate difference. The Alliance endorsed three candidates for its TexRoots 2006 rollout during the mid-term elections including State Rep. Juan Garcia (D-Corpus Christi).

Prot for President

Or is it Keyser Sose'?

Or perhaps you would prefer Gomer Pyle?

It seems obvious that Kevin Spacey is a raging socialist just to be seen talking with Hugo Chavez, so if it comes down to him or Huckabee, I'm voting red (and that ain't Republican). Chuck Norris can kiss my ass.

Texas Education Agency scorns evolution (and terminates anyone who sends e-mail about it)

TXsharon has compiled the blog posts from across the Texblogosphere and beyond regarding the dismissal of TEA science director Chris Comer, and the backstory is there in any of the links. I'll quote Steven D at Booman Tribune for the summary outrage:

If merely forwarding an email about an upcoming speaker on the issue of evolution versus "intelligent design" theory gets you shitcanned in Texas, imagine what would have happened if poor Ms. Comer had had the audacity to suggest that she herself accepted the validity of the theory of evolution? Tarred and feathered, or burned at the stake for heresy? You tell me.

And it's no surprise a Bush appointee was the person behind this outrageous decision. As the Austin-American Statesman declared in its editorial about this case, firing someone for even mentioning that intelligent design and/or creationism have "critics" smacks of Soviet-era purges. Or of the Catholic Church in the 17th century suppressing Galileo's writings about the science that supported the "theory" that the earth orbited the sun. In short, it's absurd.

Yet that is what the most extreme Christian conservatives would have us become: A nation of ignoramuses, blind to any truth other than that "revealed" by scripture as (presumably) interpreted by our designated "Spiritual Leaders." That teachers were fired in the early 20th century for teaching evolution was understandable, if incredibly shortsighted, bigoted and stupid. That we are still having these debates at the beginning of the 21st century with all we have learned since the Scopes Monkey trial boggles my imagination.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Cynthia McKinney, Green for President

Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who quit the Democratic Party and announced her candidacy for president as a Green last month, will make a campaign appearance in Houston this week.

She will speak at the Robert Terry Library on the Texas Southern University campus, 3100 Cleburne (at Ennis), on Tuesday December 4 at 7 p.m., discussing her quest for peace, politics in Washington and her campaign for the 2008 Green Party nomination. Questions or more information can be requested of Don Cook at 713-705-5594.

McKinney will also "freeway blog" with local activists at the Montrose overpass to US 59 at 4:30 p.m. prior to her appearance at TSU later in the evening.

McKinney first achieved renown (in Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11) as one of the few Congresspersons who publicly objected to the selection by the SCOTUS of George W Bush as president in December 2000, and was one of 31 in the House who similarly objected to the allotment of Ohio's electoral votes in 2004 to the incumbent. She has also expressed strong reservations about the federal government's role regarding the events of September 11th, 2001 (for example, the 9/11 Commission sealed all notes and transcripts of some 2,000 interviews, all forensic evidence, and both classified and non-classified documents used in compiling its final report until January 2, 2009). McKinney's interest in 9/11 relates specifically to what she expresses as her opposition to excessive government secrecy, which she challenged with numerous pieces of legislation while a member of Congress.

McKinney also chose to be an active participant in the select bipartisan committee to investigate the preparation for and response to Hurricane Katrina, despite the Democratic Party leadership's call for Democratic members to boycott the committee. She has been a longtime anti-war activist, dating back to her opposition to the Gulf War in 1991 (and continuing through to the current administration's misadventures in Iraq, and its enablers in Congress).

She made headlines when she had a dustup with a Capitol police officer in 2006, and later that year lost a second bid for re-election from her Atlanta district.

McKinney has been vilified from all angles, left and right.

Her Green Party presidential exploratory committee website is Run Cynthia Run.

Git along, little bloggies

Time for this week's edition of the Texas Progressive Alliance weekly blog round-up, wrangled as always by Vince from Capitol Annex.

As a special note, the TPA is preparing to announce the 2007 Texan of the Year. This year's process will be a little different than in years past: we have a full slate of Texas Silver Stars (Honorable Mentions), four runners-up (Texas Gold Stars) and of course a Texan of the Year. We'll begin by announcing the Texas Silver Stars on Friday, December 7. Then each day from December 10 through December 13 we'll announce a Gold Star, followed by the Texan of the Year on Friday, December 14. So be sure to check your favorite TPA blog starting this Friday to see the picks for Texans of the Year!

What happens when it rains and containers holding lethal chemicals overflow into creek beds? See How Are Injection Well and Gas Coupling Inspections Alike? for another example of RRC negligence that puts Texans at risk, brought to you by TXsharon at Bluedaze.

Refinish69 from Doing My Part For The Left shares his memories of a loved one lost to AIDS in his World AIDS Day diary and podcast.

Gary at Easter Lemming Liberal News observes the devolving of Texas Education.

Jaye at Winding Road asks "What if abortion is outlawed in a Republican administration?"

Xanthippas at Three Wise Men informs you that when it's the National Football League versus Big Cable, the only loser is you.

Vince at Capitol Annex takes a look at the interim charges for committees of the Texas House in the 80th Legislature in three posts, as well as Tom Craddick's views on the charges.

The Texas GOP is gearing up a sophisticated voter suppression effort for the 2008 elections. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs forwards the Lone Star Project's comprehensive report.

The Texas Cloverleaf tells us that TxDOT can no longer plead poverty! It just received a Christmas gift of $3.197 Billion from NTTA for the rights to build the SH-121 toll road.

Hal at Half Empty reports that the Republican Party of Fort Bend County has taken a radical shift to the right as neoconservative evangelicals have taken over their leadership.

Lightseeker at Texas Kaos looks at the mess Texas Education Agency has become with TEA: We must remain neutral on junk science theory. This should be enough to make parents either vote or move to get their kids out of the Texas school system.

Matt Glazer at Burnt Orange Report talks about the Texas Internet Revolution and the good publicity TexBlog PAC has been getting recently.

Stunned about the tuition increases at UT Law? So was Closet Purist at McBlogger who takes a detailed look at how UT law compares to Harvard and Yale and asks, what do you get for the money?

You may have heard the right-wing echo chamber saying that the surge is working in Iraq, or that things are going better now. Texas Toad at North Texas Liberal gives us the real deal in "Some Perspective on the Surge."

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme notes that federal rules allow ferry
security guards to sleep on the job
. Republicans say they care about security, but prove they don't.

Off the Kuff exercises his privilege as a blogger to nitpick an article about the rise of the netroots in Texas.

Eye On Williamson takes a look at the retirement of his statehouse representative in Why We Won't Have Mike Krusee To Kick Around Anymore.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Undocumented persons are NOT a health care burden on the US

The University of Texas-Medical Branch is considering, in the words of the local xenophobes, "kicking illegals off the welfare rolls":

(UTMB) might stop offering cancer care to indigent, undocumented immigrants, a policy that would save money but run counter to the medical school's mission of treating the poor.

If the medical branch turns away undocumented immigrants, the Harris County Hospital District likely will see an increase in its patient load, said King Hillier, vice president of public policy and government relations of the district that operates Ben Taub General, Houston's largest public hospital.

Making health care a business decision -- the monetizing of American health -- is where we went off the rails many years ago. In SiCKO it was revealed, in a conversation between John Erlichman and Richard Nixon, that Edgar Kaiser (he of the nation's first HMO) had an idea both men were fond of : rationing healthcare for profit. Recall also that Michael Moore took a group of sick Ground Zero New Yorkers to Cuba, where they received treatment denied them in the United States.

But back to the point here, there simply needs to be more pushback on the lies constantly advanced by the Nativists:

Illegal Latino immigrants do not cause a drag on the U.S. health care system as some critics have contended and in fact get less care than Latinos in the country legally, researchers said on Monday.

Such immigrants tend not to have a regular doctor or other health-care provider yet do not visit emergency rooms -- often a last resort in such cases -- with any more frequency than Latinos born in the United States, according to the report from the University of California's School of Public Health.

Let's wait for the "California liberals/bias" shouting to stop.

Now then ...

About 8.4 million of the 10.3 million illegal aliens in the United States are Latino, of which 5.9 million are from Mexico, the report said.

Recall my previous posting regarding these numbers. With this kind of disparity who knows what the correct numbers/ratios actually are at this point? Continuing ...

"Low rates of use of health-care services by Mexican immigrants and similar trends among other Latinos do not support public concern about immigrants' overuse of the health care system," the researchers wrote.

"Undocumented individuals demonstrate less use of health care than U.S.-born citizens and have more negative experiences with the health care that they have received," they said.

Italic emphasis mine. What do you suppose that means? That the doctors understood their patients' situations and gave them less than the best care?

There is no way that "socialized medicine" could be any worse (based on the demonstrated delivery of health care in other countries, including Mexico).

No. way.

Sunday Funnies for brunch

Texas GOP voter suppression efforts gearing up for '08

The Lone Start Project again brings the disgusting news of the Texas Republicans' efforts to thwart the vote (bold emphasis is mine):

Academic studies, media reports and fact based voter analysis consistently demonstrate that systematic, widespread or frequent voter fraud in Texas, or anywhere else in the United States, simply does not exist. Texas House Speaker Tom Craddick, however, has directed a State House committee to conduct an interim study on voter fraud with the clear intention of recommending legislation to limit the ability of thousands of eligible Texans to vote. (See the order here)

At the same time, former Tom DeLay aide and current Tom Craddick ally, John Colyandro, who remains under felony indictment for money laundering and other charges, has formed a "think tank" that is already using faulty data and illogical statistics to justify vote suppression tactics.

These most recent Texas Republican efforts to suppress voter turnout are consistent with Texas AG Greg Abbott's taxpayer-funded phony voter fraud enforcement unit that the Lone Star Project has exposed and reported on extensively here.

Why do Tom Craddick and other Texas Republican leaders want to spend taxpayer resources to examine a problem that doesn't exist? Clearly Craddick, Abbott and others are attempting to justify dramatic changes in Texas law and election practices, including voter photo ID requirements, senior mail ballot restrictions and voter roll purges, that will reduce overall voter turnout as demographic changes take place in Texas that are increasing the influence of minorities in Texas elections.

Go here to see the facts about GOP voter suppression and the indicted felon running the show.

Vince has more on this, including the interim charges by Speaker Craddick (a list of goals for the 81st legislative session, to begin in January 2009). I'll snip a piece:

2. Examine the prevalence of fraud in Texas elections, considering prosecution rates and measures for prevention. Study new laws in other states regarding voter identification, and recommend statutory changes necessary to ensure that only eligible voters can vote in Texas elections. Specifically study the Texas mail-in ballot system, the provisional voting system, and the various processes for purging voter lists of ineligible voters.

I won’t even go into the whole Voter ID argument here. I’ve already made it, and if you read this blog regularly, you can recite it six ways from Sunday. If you don’t read regularly, go here for an education on this topic. As for the mail-in ballot and purging stuff, that’ll be some interesting study, I’m sure. Leo Berman will no doubt have Karl Rove on speed dial. Of course, what the committee does with this will (be) subject to some debate. The committee’s “swing vote,” or alleged swing vote during the 80th Legislature, Kirk England of Grand Prairie, is now a Democrat. Of course, the worst vote of his career was his vote for voter ID in the 80th Legislature. If he doesn’t come around on Voter ID during the interim charge process, then…well, you know.

And I owe a relatively long, minutia-filled posting about the sophisticated voter caging operation in place in Harris County, managed by the Republican tax assessor/collector Paul Bettencourt. That's forthcoming.