Saturday, August 13, 2005

Good morning, Cincinnati

Here's a picture that looks exactly like what I can see out the window.

(Since that's Mr. Monroe's copyrighted photograph, I will take it down shortly.)

We've finished our business in the Queen City, but remain ensconced in the Netherland Plaza downtown, enjoying all the amenities of concierge level service. I think they (not the Hilton, the other people, the ones whose name I haven't mentioned) really want to hire Mrs. Diddie, but we'll see.

Meanwhile, the precipice continues to crumble from underneath Tom DeLay's feet. I wonder which of his cronies is going to flip first. Probably won't be Jack A., but it's bound to be someone, and shortly I'm guessing. I would still prefer that the Imperial Sugarland Bugman not be forced to resign -- or frog-marched from the Capitol -- until about October of 2006 at the earliest.

The standoff continues in Crawford without incident and without concession from either side. Yes, it is petulant and immature and childish, but Bush won't be swayed; he is steadfast in refusing to acknowledge dissent. Everyone knows real men don't ask for directions.

I'm sorry we missed going to Crawford to show support, as well as to Austin for Chris Bell's kickoff, so we'll just have to make up for it some other way.

I'll try to get back here this weekend with deeper thoughts on other matters. But it is the end of summer, after all...

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Sheehan developments

(Last post from the desktop for a week; laptop appears to be OK, so perhaps the usual semi-regular posting schedule will be in effect. Maybe.)

t r u t h o u t has some liveblogging from Will Pitt on the scene at Camp Casey in Crawford (their servers must be the only ones that can handle the traffic). Rummy and Condi are coming in today, which will undoutedly amp up the tension. Here's the Moneyshot Quote:

Who will get arrested first, Cindy or Osama?

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A little travel ahead but not much posting

Arrived just now after spending the day in Austin. Haven't checked any e-mail accounts today as the laptop drank about a half bottle of water. I may not even try to turn it on until I get to Cincy on Thursday evening, just to give it a chance to dehydrate.

Light blogging may get even lighter if it doesn't work right on my trip.

A little bird told me while I was in the state capital today that John Sharp is 'definitely ' in.

More later, but I can't say when ...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Bush's vacation

... the one they don't want the media referring to as a vacation, is being interrupted by Cindy Sheehan, who is still upset over her's son's death in Iraq:

"If he doesn't come out and talk to me in Crawford, I'll follow him to D.C.," she said. "I'll camp on his lawn in D.C. until he has the courtesy and the integrity and the compassion to talk to somebody whose life he has ruined."

There's been lots of mainstream reporting of her arrival in Crawford, her conversation with some of Bush's stable boys, and a live interview on CNN yesterday in which she accused the president of treating their previous meeting at the White House as if it were a 'party', a declaration that seemed to shock Wolf Blitzer. Even George Allen, Virginia's Republican senator, said Bush ought to meet with her.

Hundreds of people, spurred by her effort, are heading to Crawford from all over the country to join her protest even as I write this.

Things are going to get a lot hotter in Central Texas this week, and I am NOT talking about the weather.

Marguerite has more on the fundraiser Bush attended at a neighboring ranch last Friday.

Update: Sheehan has apparently been warned that she will be arrested on Thursday.