Monday, June 08, 2020

The Weekly Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance mourns with George Floyd's family as they prepare to lay him to rest, and joins the millions of Americans who cry out for justice for his murder, and for too many others at the hands of those who swore 'to protect and serve'.

The justice system is overdue for an overhaul, or a dismantling.

Here's this week’s roundup of the best of the left of the Lone Star State from last week.

As the week went on, the marches seemed to get a bit more relaxed, even as they rippled out from the urban areas to the more suburban and exurban ones.

Egberto Willies was in very red Kingwood and shot some video of that city's silent protest.

Several bloggers issued support: Texas Freedom Network stands with the protesters and calls for an end to police brutality and racism.  DosCentavos wrote about where the conversation on police reform needs to begin, based on the #8CantWait campaign.  Angie Bado, the Democratic candidate in HD-70, declares, "Let Justice Begin With Me", at Living Blue in TX

Metro police chiefs Art Acevedo in Houston, Reneé Hall in Dallas, William McManus in San Antonio, and Brian Manley in Austin have all come under withering criticism for their handling of the protests in their cities over the past few weeks, as well as long records of police abuse of minorities.

Increased accountability, transparency, and other systemic changes will happen.

Now for some election news.

Joe Biden spoke at the Texas Democratic Party's virtual convention, by pre-recorded video, the day after he secured the necessary delegates to become the party's presidential nominee in November.

The convention wrapped with a debate between the two finalists for the right to challenge John Cornyn in the fall.  You can still watch it at the link below.

Recent polling in the Great State reveals a presidential race too close to call.

A new survey from Public Policy Polling, a firm mostly aligned with Democrats, found President Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden tied, 48%-48%, with just 4% unsure five months before the general election. Independents favored Trump, 52%-42%. Interestingly, Biden was stronger among Democrats (88%-8%) than Trump was among Republicans (83%-14%).

An April poll from the firm had Biden leading Trump, 47%-46%. In that survey, independents favored Biden, 50%-34%, and only 6% of Republicans indicated they would vote for Biden.

Trump’s job performance approval rating was 46/50. Anglos were more than twice as likely to approve than disapprove (67/32) but Hispanic/Latino (18/73) and African-American (2/97) voters were decidedly disapproving. His approval rating among voters aged 18 to 45 was 38/56. He was less underwater among voters aged 46 to 65, and his rating among voters over 65 was 58/39. The poll did not include a question about Biden’s favorability.

Kuff analyzed two more polls showing the tight prez tilt in Texas.  In his regular White House update, PDiddie at Brains and Eggs focused on Biden clinching and the latest shuffle in the veepstakes.

The Texas Signal reported on the Travis County DA primary runoff and how it relates to the wider criminal justice reform debate.

Several of the state's Republicans let their racist slips show on social media last week, and that was another hot topic among Texas bloggers.  Progrexas, John Coby at Bay Area Houston, and Ross Ramsey at the Texas Tribune all had a take.

Via Out in SA, Equality Texas vows to do better at every level of their organization to help dismantle systems of oppression against Black Americans.

Christoph Spieler tweets two lessons for transit agencies during times of crisis.

And let's close out this Wrangle for now -- there will be updates here or a fresh post later -- with another blast from the past via Traces of Texas.

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