Friday, December 04, 2009

Three Latinas will contend for Texas Supreme Court

Two Republicans, one Democrat, all for the seat vacated by Scott Brister and filled just last month by Rick Perry appointee Eva Guzman. Buried in this article from the Rio Grande Guardian:

... El Paso Justice Guadalupe Rivera, who is challenging for the Place 9 slot on the Texas Supreme Court. “Guadalupe has impeccable credentials as a judge and is going to be a fantastic candidate for the Democratic Party at the statewide level,” (2008 TSC Democratic nominee Judge Linda) YaƱez said.

If Rivera wins the Democratic Party primary she may face one of two Republican Latinas in the general election. Thirteenth Court of Appeals Justice Rose Vela has said she will run in the GOP primary for the Place 9 slot on the Texas Supreme Court. Gov. Rick Perry appointed Eva Guzman to this slot in October. Guzman has said she will be running and has the endorsement of Republican Party of Texas Chair Cathie Adams.

This is shaping up as the kind of contest that can really drive voter turnout.

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