The Texas Progressive Alliance welcomes everyone back from the Thanksgiving holiday with these highlights from the blogs.
TXsharon has arranged by area 60 TCEQ fugitive emission videos obtained via the Texas Public Information Act. The videos were taken throughout the Barnett Shale area using a GasFindIR (Infrared) camera. Find the videos for your area at Bluedaze: DRILLING REFORM FOR TEXAS to see what you're breathing.
CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wonders why some destroyed Galveston beach houses were paid out at prices nearly double their county appraised value.
BossKitty at TruthHugger is fed up with road rage and wants it taken a more seriously by the authorities. Road rage is indeed vehicular terrorism! Vehicular terrorism is dismissed by the court system as misdemeanors with token consequences ... unless of course someone gets killed. Even then is not identified for what it really is. Vehicular terrorism! Is road rage is a way of life for Texans?
WCNews at Eye On Williamson posts on Gov. Perry's "jet-set" ways. A Watchdog group wants to know about Gov. Perry's travel expenses.
Bay Area Houston lists who the local bloggers are endorsing in the Houston mayor's race (it's one-sided).
Off the Kuff rounds up reactions to Bill White's announcement that he is considering a jump into the governor's race.
Libby Shaw, in her post Texas Republican Lawmakers Lose Huge Federal Contract, examines the whys and whos of the huge government contract Rick Perry and the Boyz just lost and what it means for Texas. Check it out at TexasKaos.
Neil at Texas Liberal ran a post about a great white whale: We Are All Shipmates --Moby Dick. This post offers up a picture of the excellent ship pulpit featured in the book and its movie adaptations. Neil reminds you that we are all shipmates.
WhosPlayin is still watching Lewisville ISD and wishing they would just answer a simple question.
Maybe the BAE Systems plant in Sealy, which lost its $2.6 billion Pentagon contract due to the economic incompetence of Rick Perry and other Republican elected officials, can now manufacture "Republic of Texas" trucks, according to PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.
Xanthippas at Three Wise Men takes a look at the results of a study that demonstrate how conservative anti-tax rhetoric has resulted in a substantial shift of the nation's burden from the wealthy to the lower and middle-class, and wonders what that means in an age when irresponsible investors crash the economy, are bailed out by the federal government and reward themselves with billions of dollars in bonuses.
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