Monday, November 30, 2009

Gordon Quan may take on Emmett

Miya Shay breaks ...

Former City Council Member Gordon Quan is THISCLOSE to throwing his hat in the ring for Harris County Judge. I heard the rumors a few days ago, but confirmed with Quan this morning...

When we spoke earlier today, I asked him what prompted him to consider challenging Ed Emmett. He replied, "Well, I'm thinking it's now, or never." However, Quan was quick to point out that this is not a "done deal." He's getting legal opinions on what relationship he can maintain with his firm. He's also looking at the quality of campaign consultants that would be available. In addition, he's got to convince his family members, who are often tough cookies.

Quan says he will make a decision in the next two weeks on whether or not to jump in the race. If he does, he says he will make a call to Judge Ed Emmett first, as it is the proper thing to do. Quan estimates he'll need at least a million bucks to run for County Judge. Considering his vast connections within the legal, political, and Asian-American communities, it should be a reasonable goal. In addition, the fact that Mayor Bill White is expected to jump into the Governor's race only makes more sense for Quan. He thinks it will be a well coordinated campaign county wide.

In 2004, after he was term-limited off city council, there was a big Democratic rally at which several people (a group I was part of) publicly begged Quan to run against John Culberson in CD-07. He passed on that; he also passed on a challenge to Tom Delay in 2006 -- ceding a certain win-and-then-out to Nick Lampson. He wasn't rumored for much in 2008 despite the clarion call of the presidential election (and likely could have had whatever he wanted and been elected to it). He also skipped the mayoral race this go-around. Quan would present an enormous challenge to "Hunker Down" Ed, who continues to accomplish nothing of distinction in the county's most powerful slot.

This announcement, frankly, would be more greatly anticipated this week than that of another Houstonian "considering" a run for higher office.

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