Tuesday, March 22, 2022

"It Was a Dark and Stormy Night" Wrangle

Let's talk about the weather.

Just the usual in H-Town; flooded streets, swollen bayous, some power outages.  A different story in the Panhandle, though.

So I guess we can talk about the climate.

 A healthcare update:

"I just don't agree with abolishing private insurance", says Rep. Sylvia Garcia, pictured above.  We have a lot of shitty Democrats in the Lone Star State, and La Congresista isn't even the worst one (that title goes to my Congress creature, Lizzie Fletcher.  But at least Fletcher isn't pretending to be something she isn't: progressive).

I suppose that segues to Ted Cruz.

Here's some updates to yesterday's and also last Thursday's posts.

And more shootings.

And two soothers, one referenced yesterday.

Monday, March 21, 2022

"Rachel Levine is a Woman; Ken Paxton is a Criminal" Wrangle

I'll update when it's available.

Out in SA reports on a divorce case involving two men who would be considered common-law married if that had been a thing for same sex couples before Obergefell.  The San Antonio Current shows us some billboard ads from the Trevor Project that take aim at Greg Abbott's anti-trans order.

Moving on to recent legal developments regarding voting rights and women's rights.

That will be my segue to the legal and social justice lowlights.

And the bad apple cops, spoiling the whole bunch.

Thankfully the news isn't all bad.

But our teachers are still fighting on every front.

Here's a few environmental notes.

And a large collection of calm-me-downs.

The Austin Chronicle highlights the best music they heard at SXSW.

Barrio Dogs, the rescue organization founded by Zenteno's family, will host its 12th anniversary party this Sunday.  Great music, good food, and sweet pups.