Sunday, July 28, 2024

"Fortunes Flip" Funnies

There's lots of passing the Olympic torch toons but only a few worth dropping in here. This guy got out of the gate early.

Democrats went from suicidal to euphoric in less than a week, but James Carville -- the voice of reason (LMAO) -- cautioned that "giddy elation (wouldn't) be helpful much longer". Meanwhile Trump, facing the age/senility question alone, seeing no convention polling bounce and suddenly dealing with a running mate liability, reacted with his by-now-predictable terminal (as in 'someboby's getting fired') rage.

The other bombshell in the week that was had Bibi dropping a deuce in Congress.

I'm not the only person that enjoyed the opening ceremonies.

Except of course for the reminders that Palestinians are being slaughtered while all of this nationalism is being celebrated.

Honoring the life of service of Sheila Jackson Lee has even greater meaning knowing that it pisses off Houston conservatives to no end. That was SJL to the very end.

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