Monday, June 06, 2022

The "Bad News for Baptists and Greg Abbott" Wrangle

Scattershooting (*groan*) while the Texas Progressive Alliance stands around and watches the neo-Nazis in Ukraine rebrand themselves ...
Don't believe I've ever seen Governor Fish Lips' lips so tight.  He must be under duress.

Perhaps that additional $50 million that Dave Carney was bragging about last month is out of reach now.  Speaking of $50 million:

More committees, fewer school doors, bulletproof shields for cowardly cops; anything they can think of to avoid the actual problem.  Speaking of shitty law enforcement officers:

On and on it goes, with no end in sight.  Same old shit, same old nothing.

Vote harder.  "Vote Blue".

I just don't think that's going to work out any better than it has for the past twenty-something years.

Consider the definition of insanity.  Then consider doing something besides what you've been doing over and over again.

Just a suggestion.

When I read this my first thought was, "Hey! Maybe Shelley Kuffner has finally seen the light!"  Then I read 'her', and realized, 'nope, not yet'.

Here's a few more environmental notes.

Once again: thank you, Joe Biden.

A few social justice tweets; bad news first.

Some good news and some activist items.

Segue-ing into the soothers.

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