Wednesday, May 25, 2022


Not feeling like blogging election results today.  Later perhaps, after the blood gets mopped up and the kids who can only be identified by comparing DNA with their parents' -- because their bodies were so ripped apart by bullets that they are unrecognizable -- are mourned, buried, and mourned again.

In the meanwhile I need to do some ripping myself.  Or at least post the rips of others.

On the other hand, maybe I should just let the assholes speak for themselves.

It never fails to amaze me how a supreme deity with -- allegedly -- the power to have prevented these tragedies should be the one summoned to comfort the grieving.  The Gawd these people worship is not supposed to be an idle bystander, nor for that matter an observer with some unquantifiable and apparently variable degree of empathy.

Here in reality, They is those things.  In Jesusland, Dey 'pose to be something bigger and stronger than that.  This inability to live in Factghanistan is a massive piece of our collective problem, as a species and a culture.  What should we do about that?

I know what we should do; what we will be doing is precisely the same thing our elected officials have done, are doing, and will do about the gun carnage in this nation.

Absofuckinglutely nothing.

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