Tuesday, April 12, 2022

"Bad Monday for your Favorite Texas Politico" Wrangle

A couple of extensive profiles of our self-loathing psychopath of a governor hit the social media airwaves yesterday.  Mimi Schwartz and Michelle Davis showed no mercy, just as Greg Abbott conducts his own life.

“There is a seething anger in him that reveals itself in really hateful ways against the weakest people."

I've been blogging about Abbott since David Van Os ran against him for the SCOTX in 2004.  These two long reads don't reveal anything new to me.  The worst part is that he's not in as much electoral hot water as the Harris County judge, unfortunately.

Kuffner finally had something to say about this case, but it was as little as he could get away with.  No real surprise there.

I'll return to Abbott's latest clusterf at the border momentarily.  This next article seems newsworthy for its reveal of the president's, shall we say, mental adeptness.

Himself?  Abbott?  Hey, wasn't Ted Cruz riding around with truckers in DC a couple of weeks ago? Probably too much to ask of our junior senator to step in and do something here.

After all, there's probably some book that must be banned from schools or a nervous, insecure child that needs to be bullied about their sexuality.

It's not as if Texas has any real problems that they've created while they sucked up to the extremists among the GOP primary voter base.

I feel increasingly less confident that we are going to be able to vote our way out of this morass.  Maybe it's just me.

I don't have any soothers or calm-me-downs today.  You're on your own.

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