Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Groundhog Day Wrangle

The next few days will reveal whether Abbott and company will coast to re-election in March -- and November -- or whether the weather can turn the tide from red to blue.  If the Lone Star version of Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, it's four more years of winter in Deep In The Hearta.

Hope is not a strategy, but when you're as far behind in the polling and the fundraising as Beto is today ... what else is there?

We'll come back to Texas Democrats' failing downpost; let's catch up with the TXGOP, still doing what they do.

With the price of oil soaring, these guys will have millions more to throw away on hyper-extremist conservative politics this year.

Ted's presidential ambitions are going to be thwarted again by Trump.  What a tragedy.

Moving on to more of the foibles of Governor Fish Lips that don't include the grid.

And wrapping this segment with the egregious laws passed in the 87th Texas Lege that are coming home to roost.

The damage wasn't limited to Republicans, however.  Some of your favorites on Team Blue really disgraced themselves, and it's only Wednesday.

ICYMI.  Truly smells like desperation from Rodriguez.  It was revealed by Tribune of the People that his primary opponent Greg Casar made his own lurch to the right, and reported at nearly the same time that Amnesty International called out the government of Israel.  Lining up with an apartheid state is a bad move no matter when it occurs, but right before voting is to begin for a brand new, solid D seat just reeks of pandering for the Jewish vote.  This move also came in the wake of the federal court ruling that Texas' anti-BDS law violates the First Amendment (injunction .pdf).

A very coincidental series of events.

Not as difficult to understand given Garcia's other progressive failings, but another echo -- on the heels of the no-vote taken in the California Assembly yesterday -- of Democrats' inability to choose the will of the people over the will of their donors.  It's an extension of Gene Green's legacy she's settling into.

I suppose that will be my segue to the legal, criminal, and social justice updates.

A couple of labor updates, segue-ing into the soothers to end today.

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