Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Donkeys Humped Wrangle

Not quite as bad a beatdown as the Astros took from the Braves in the World Series, but still ... they did it to themselves.  Again.

I mean "they" if you're one of those Democrats who considers Joe Manchin a Democrat (and not Bernie Sanders, for example).

Oh yes, speaking of student loan debt ...

You don't suppose yesterday was some kind of a referendum on Joe Biden, do you?  Nah, had to be the Far Left's fault.

Sen. Mark Warner of the Commonwealth jumped out to an early lead.

From Virginia to New Jersey to Minnesota, voters in yesterday's off-year elections sent Democrats a warning for 2022: There could be a massive backlash to perceptions that progressives are pulling the party too far left.


A senior aide to another House Democratic moderate told Axios Hans Nichols that "it’s clear that passing a historic bipartisan infrastructure deal months ago would have energized President Biden’s numbers," and that House progressives who stalled that vote had hurt McAuliffe.

Yes well, I certainly hope so.  Though I don't think anyone's blaming the leftists for the Democratic nominee's defeat to a write-in candidate in Buffalo, NY yesterday.

Texas -- or at least San Antonio's House District 118 -- repeated the pattern.

Quite remarkable.  To underscore, this is what they are losing to.

Alas, some things never change no matter the duopolist in charge.

I have lots more coming.

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