Saturday, October 16, 2021

The Weekend Wrangle from Far Left Texas

A very antiseptic take on the end of the week's election-related Lege actions from TXElects.

The House passed Senate Bill 4, the Senate’s redistricting plan for itself, without adopting any amendments.

Both plans head to Gov. Greg Abbott’s desk in plenty of time to keep the filing period and primary elections on schedule.

The House will take up Senate Bill 6, the congressional redistricting plan, (today).

Early voting begins Monday for the November 2 constitutional, general and special elections.

Let's go elsewhere for some analysis.

As mentioned, Congress maps later today.

Redistricitng/gerrymandering wasn't the only debacle.

There was too much ugliness in the deliberations (sic) on this bill to be repeated here.

The repercussions of previously-passed bad laws are quickly being felt.

What is the other side of the Holocaust?” he asked rhetorically. “Are you going to assign fourth graders Mein Kampf? Are you going to make them listen to Seb Gorka’s radio show? I just don’t know what she actually had in mind. But again, this is exactly what you get when you have politicians playing culture war and then trying to ram that into badly thought out draconian legislation.”

He added, “Republicans in Texas have been conservative for a long time, but there was a time when conservative Republicans in Texas were not absolutely batshit crazy.”

Moving on to criminal and social injustice news.

And there will be some justice.

A few climate items.

And some updates to news that haven't been made here recently.

One snarky bit: "Brain Flakes". They need to be eating more of those in rural Texas, but Mr. Hart needs to be paying his people more to move those boxes.

And a soother.

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