Friday, October 29, 2021

The Weekend Spine-Chilling Wrangle

Early voting concludes Friday for the November 2 constitutional amendment, general, and special elections. Through Wednesday, 455K Texans have voted early in-person or by mail statewide, representing 2.7% of registered voters.

In HD-118, just over 5K people have voted in person in the special runoff election, representing 5.2% of registered voters. Early turnout in the district is on pace to double that of the September 28 special election.

Now y'all get out there and keep not voting.

Then again, it's scary season.  So if fear works on you, pay attention.

How about anger?  Will some righteous outrage spur turnout?

It seems to work for the Right.

I try to keep it light in order to maintain my sanity.  That doesn't do anything to GOTV, but I've decided that's not really my job any longer.

And advancing some action items beyond voting, because the system is quite obviously dysfunctional, and voting for Coke or Pepsi isn't going to fix it.

It's a shame that people have to keep learning the same lesson over and over again.

More climate and criminal social justice news in the Wrangle on Monday.  It's a great weekend for baseball and trick-or-treating and Dia de Los Muertos and lots of other things.

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