Thursday, October 21, 2021

Sine Died, Autopsied Wrangle

The executive summary, in case you've been taking some time off from the creepshow that the Texas Lege has been for the past ten months.

Lt. Dan has decided he wants a fourth special, but Governor Fish Lips says "not now, asshole".  Maybe later.  We have a few wieners and loosers ranked.

And sightless gerrymandering being the hottest topic ...

It wouldn't be the silly boundary season without some litigation.

Attention finally turns to 2022.

Kuffner has all the Donkey shuffling covered, and TXElects -- and his Tweet feed of the usual suspects, appearing to the right on his blog's landing page -- covers the Pachyderm dances.  I'll wait until after the filing deadline in December to muse about primary challenges.  I will say that I like the idea of Julie Oliver taking on Lloyd Doggett, whose reputation far exceeds his current value.

I'm looking forward to blogging on the regular about some things besides our state lawmaker goons, so praise the Lawd for small blessings.  First: some housing news, broken out from the criminal and social justice headlines.

Here's Kuff's catchup.  I note he still hasn't mentioned anything about it.

The Harris County District Attorney confirms a "pending criminal investigation" connected to Houston City Hall. In a letter obtained by 13 Investigates, the DA denies access to documents related to the probe, because in their words, "this investigation has yet to be resolved" and is "in the course of preparing for criminal litigation."

13 Investigates requested documents from the city weeks ago when the City of Houston's now-former Housing Director shocked City Hall with allegations of a "charade of a competitive process" to award millions in housing subsidies. According to sources and documents at that point, the DA was asking about specific payments made to specific individuals starting in 2018.

It's not all bad news.

Here's more criminal and social justice and injustice news from around the state.

And here are a few items specific to the border region of Texas.

I'm starting to wake up to the fact that Republican Latino/as in the RGV (and elsewhere) don't consider themselves Hispanic.  They call themselves Tejanos; they praise themselves for their good fortune based on hard work and Jeebus and not on luck or cronyism, just like whites; and they hate immigrants, 'gobermint handouts', and worship the flag and the military.  Sounds like any other MAGAt to me.

A few environmental updates.

And the soothers.

The South Texas Music Festival is this Saturday, October 23, in San Benito.

T'is the spooky season, so get out there and get scared of something beside the Texas GOP.

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