Friday, September 24, 2021

Friday's Lone Star Far Left Round-up

Let's do politics first, with Sly Turner in the barrel.  ICYMI:

Turner's not been one of my favorites almost since he was first elected, and these accusations of grifting come from an unimpeachable source in McCasland, who was vaunted for his mission upon appointment, again at the start of Turner's tenure after he (McCasland) lost a Council election.  The mayor makes "avoiding the appearance of impropriety" look worse with this move yesterday.

The old 'we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong' whitewash.  Count on Groogan at Fox, as red as the local newshounds get, to take it as far as he can.  And don't anticipate reading it on OTK anytime soon, as usual.

Both of these orgs studiously ignore the most progressive female they could hope for, who's already running (and has been for awhile).

Which means they think the definition of "progressive" is limited to Democrats.  And that is horseshit.

And as if we needed to be reminded that Eddie Lucio is not a Democrat ...

This update adds Jim Murphy of west Houston to the growing list of bailouts.  A Democrat named Kristi Thibaut was once a candidate for this seat.  I wonder if she, or someone she might endorse, would take on the challenge.

A new episode of The Three Stooges aired yesterday, and I missed it.

I really don't care who wins this primary.  Do You?

How must it feel to be a Trump-endorsed Republican and have lost Tucker Carlson?

Governor Fish Lips' challengers are already whining about equal time.

Annnnd that's all of that I can tolerate.  Moving on to redistricting and other Lege developments; this being the latest.

That sound is Greg Abbott's wheels, spinning as fast as possible to accommodate -- and return to the good graces of -- his daddy.

This has been a good week for insider info.  I highly recommend this piece about my Congresswoman, and these two tweets as well.

I'm also not Fletcher's cheerleader.  I was not exactly shocked to learn that she has ingratiated herself even to Congressional Republicans like Michael McCaul.  Looks like I'm stuck with her unless they draw me out.

Last of the Lege business.

I would also say that I have been surprised by Spectrum News' very fair coverage of the legislative sessions, given their reputation.

A few updates to news items that have previously reported by yours truly earlier this week.

It's been a long time since I posted a "Republicans Behaving Badly".

*Whew* the stench!  Closing today with some book news.

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