Monday, June 14, 2021

The Updates Wrangle from Far Left Texas

I promised this on Friday so before I get way behind again ...
First however is the news from Austin regarding the shooting on Sixth Street.

Reaction has been swift.

Especially the reactions associated with defunding the Austin PD.

It's the same in San Antonio.

And everywhere else.

The state's capital is far from the only Texas city plagued with gun violence.  This was Houston over the weekend.

And Grits for Breakfast wonders what will happen to all those old convictions for unlicensed carrying of a weapon.

Governor Strangelove had to quickly come up with yet another diversion from failed Lege policies, and his choice was ...

You got it straight.

Braddock with the win.

Abbott is not one to let the grass grow under his wheelchair.  Part of his re-election strategy is to set the agenda and have others react to him; he never responds to what happened yesterday or last week, and rarely if ever to his critics.  This is his definition of "leadership".

Case in point: the swelling national backlash over critical race theory.

The whitewashing has been going on for almost two centuries.

Shell Seas with the less-than-280-character executive summary.

Abbott and the Lege have an unfinished piece of business: the voting suppression bill due in the first special session.  More skeezy details have leaked about SB7 in the just-concluded regular.

Accolades are still pouring in for the brave Donkey blockers.

And Beto's Texas tour brought him to the Bayou City yesterday, where he fired up the troops for the coming rematch.

Political watchers of the "expert" variety seem skeptical that Tex Dems will be able to reach their 'two million new registered voters' goal, along with the usual pessimism regarding their biannual electoral prospects.

More Texas 2022 election developments:

I should give a COVID update since I haven't in a long while.

Texas Republicans (like Louie Gohmert, Space Cadet and Ken Paxton, Thug) behaving badly and some environmental news still to come this week.  Here's the soothers.

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