Monday, June 07, 2021

The #87th Lege Autopsies Wrangle from Far Left Texas

Some things can still take your (or at least my) breath away, and that scene -- on Sine Die a week ago -- was one.  Speaker Phorehead was pilloried by the Trump faction inside and outside the Capitol; Lt. Dan got in his licks, but the Beaumont Hi-Brow returned fire.

They blamed staff -- clerks and those who verify their work -- for mistakes, but they also lied about typographical errors.

Mostly they blamed each other, but they also blamed anybody and everybody but themselves for failing to pass legislation that would've let them brag even more about being "tha Mos' Cunservative".

Yeah, it's always somebody else's fault.

More election news in the next post, followed by environmental, then social justice, and maybe some more, all separate as I play a week's worth of catch-up.

Yes, we all have known this for quite some time now, Cillizza.  Little slow on the uptake, dude.  Still, I suppose it bears repeating for the exceptionally "special" learners among us (like the TXGOP).

The elephants plan on taking their revenge in special session.

I'll also break out Greg Abbott's week in a stand-alone post.

So we know what the Lege did, and did not, accomplish before the curtain came down on the 87th.  Let's review anyway.

Looking forward to more stories like this one.

I suppose that will wrap this for now.  Here's a few calm-me-downs.

Lots more on the way.

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