Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Wednesday Tex-Leftist Assemblage *updates

Post promised yesterday, delivered today!  Just like Paul DeJoy's USPS.

Seriously, Offline gets in the way of Online at times, and when the plumber called to say he was free to make repairs sooner than I had anticipated, I dropped everything except the laptop and made time for him.  Update: A few things once again interfered with extending this post earlier.  More and latest finally appears below.

Life comes at ya fast, and who would understand that better than the newly unemployed Arthur D'Andrea.

He was Greg Abbott's last remaining commissioner.  Now he (we) has none.  You may ask yourself: "How did I (we) get here?"

Ah yes, the invisible hand of the free market.  The hand that Dan Patrick has decided he would like to cut off at the wrist.

House Speaker Dade Phelan doesn't care for this much guv'ment meddlin', and declared so instantly after Patrick rammed his 'fix' through the Senate.

Shortly after that, Phelan said his chamber would ignore the Senate's bill.  Little Dan's reaction was predictable.  But he also upped the ante, demanding Abbott pressure Phelan to take up his legislation (technically, it's not dead until Saturday).

Update: Things were somewhat calmer in Austin today at the Big 3's breakfast.

But not so much at Abbott's next stop in Dallas.

Governor Hell on Wheels.  No exaggeration.

I'm leaving up these hot takes from the close Lege watchers about #SB2142.

This post's most significant updates concern HPD honcho Art Acevedo heading east for Miami's top job, and several developments around that, including the surprise from Mimi Swartz at the end.

Nice way to say adios, Chief.  Schaefer Edwards at the Houston Press delivered yet another expose' of Acevedo, including the reminder that El Jefe de Policia is a self-confessed RINO.  So what I mentioned yesterday about his political future being in the Sunshine State was no joke.  And what John Whitmire let slip today seems to confirm that Acevedo has been planning his escape from H-Town for a while now.

First of all, a hard 'NO' on Whitmire.  Second: expect a bootlicking post from Charles Kuffner tomorrow morning about what wonderful news this is.  He's been thick as a brick on Acevedo for years; I have no expectation of him catching a clue now.  Kuff is a big part of the reason I don't use the word 'progressive' to describe anybody but Democrats like Joe Biden.

This updated Assemblage is too late as it is, and there's a green beer with my name on it waiting, so I'll stop here and save everything I'm still holding for tomorrow.  Not too early, though.

Until then, enjoy the flowers and the bagpipes.

1 comment:

  1. If it costs politicians or businesses to fix anything it will never get done. Not when the public is to be the main beneficiary.


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