Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Hump Day Tex-Left Aggregation

Not to be conflated with aggravation (which could easily occur, considering all of these bad actors and their corresponding acts).

Their junior partners in dastardliness, Austin branch, strove to keep up.

It's been a very busy week at the Lege; their spring break was canceled by Winter Storm Uri and so lawmakers had no choice but to dig in on their heavy workload.  These stories suggest that we might all be better off if they had not.

RA also reports that the push to make Texas a "2nd Amendment Sanctuary" continues unabated in the wake of the Boulder, CO and Atlanta spa killings.

Texas House Bill 19 proposes to change liability laws concerning trucking companies, those who are involved in 18-wheeler accidents, and the lawsuits that result.

I would imagine that The Texas Hammer and The Texas Bulldog -- among their cohorts at TTLA -- are going to work hard to defeat this legislation.

There are new police chiefs in Austin (interim) and Houston (permanent).  Let's expect there NOT to be the same old problems.

Kim Ogg is indeed one of the very worst Democrats in Harris County.  But reformers who ran against her last year were handily defeated, because she has the HGLBT Caucus in her corner.  If John Whitmire is successful in courting their favor in his presumptive bid for H-Town mayor in 2022 2023, then the race is over before it begins, as Kuffner finally noted yesterday (remember what I said last week about him fawning over this news?  All I got wrong was the timing of his post).

There is no f'n way I will vote for Whitmire for mayor.  I'm sick to death of old white centrist Democrats running anything, and I'm especially tired of watching emasculated Lege Democrats think the mayor's office would be a great retirement gig.

To that end (sort of), one Latino Democrat in the Valley reads the writing on the wall, and one Black Dem in North Texas throws in against Ken Paxton.

He joins Galveston legal eagle Joe Jaworski in that primary.  Moving on to some climate headlines:

And since I have plenty more for a Friday Roundup, I'll close this Aggregation with a few stories that commemorate and celebrate.

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