Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Frozen (but Thawing) Wrangle

This obviously is a monumental screw-up by the state of Texas, ERCOT, and the companies responsible for power generation in Texas. Why was demand not better anticipated? How are generating plants rated for cold weather production? The list of questions goes on and on. There is plenty of blame to go around, as it seems likely that people will lose their lives due to cold, or medical needs for electricity.

Be wary of those quick to scapegoat wind turbines or any single government official or political sides for this failure. This is a failure of the whole government and a lack of sensible regulation of electricity generators. We need to learn from this mistake so that it is not repeated. After our teeth stop chattering, of course.

Lots more, including the usual, to come today (as long as the juice stays on).

1 comment:

  1. And it's not the fault of individuals we got here but is the fault of the entire structure of our government pointed to the goal of spending the public's money on non public enterprises. Allotting practically none for public works. The entirety of our political structure is bent on keeping us poor, subservient and begging. We've become a GoFundMe nation under the dome of oligarchy.


What do you think?