Thursday, January 14, 2021

Thursday Lone Star Leftist Round-Up

Not as small a Round-up as I wished, given that the topic of shithole state insurrectionists is ... worn thin with me.

Ted Coupz, briefly.

Trump in South Texas. As updated in the Monday Wrangle ...

Meanwhile back in DC:

And at the Lege ...

Outside the Texas Capitol, members of a group called the Southern Patriot Council said they believe Joe Biden's election as president was illegal. One member, who would only identify himself to Texas Public Radio as "General E" predicted states would pass laws to stop protests like theirs.

"You won't be able to assemble anymore," he said. "So the bottom line is, assemble now while you can, because they are attempting to make it illegal for us to do that."

Houstonians didn't want to be left out.

I'm throwing James Harden under this bus also. So is Judge Hidalgo and his former Rockets teammates. That's no way to open a restaurant, Mr. Beard.

Criminal and social justice news, first from (the real) Alamo City.

The San Antonio Current finds numerous "alternative facts" on the Texas police union's anti-reform website. KXAN reports on a wrongful death lawsuit filed against the City of Austin regarding a teenager’s suicide in the back of an APD patrol car. Grits for Breakfast rounds up more like these stories from a week ago and today. It's almost like a virus that's out of control.

A couple of environmental updates.

Four of the state's environmental groups -- the Environmental Integrity Project, Sierra Club, Environment Texas, and the Port Arthur Community Action Network -- sued the EPA last week, alleging that the agency stood by while Texas failed to enforce the nation’s federal environmental laws and adequately control air pollution in the state. DeSmogBlog reports, with the assistance of some of Texas' foremost environmental activists: Sharon Wilson, Bryan Parras, and Hilton Kelley.

Texas Standard brings the news that an investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board revealed that a gas leak from a pipeline damaged during replacement work performed over 20 years ago likely caused an explosion that killed a 12 year-old girl in Northwest Dallas in 2018.

Finally, we'll roll into the weekend with Comrade Fidel's Bayou City barbecue tasting event, over 60 years ago.

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