Monday, October 26, 2020

The Daily Texas Far Left Wrangle

Unless you like these loooong (and not posted until late).

I'll start with the pandemic blowing up again.  The second wave is here; global, national, state, and local.  El Paso is already getting hit bad.

Twelve days ago, epidemiologists noticed the uptick and called it a 'warning signal'.  Some experts attributed it to "fatigue", a psychological reaction to six-plus months of quarantine, masking up, and otherwise having our 'freedumb' curtailed, for those Darwin Award winners on the right.

The sticks, the boondocks, and the outback are catching it now.

I got nuttin' but love for all y'all out in the country, but ya need to stop voting red.  They're gonna kill a lot of you this winter.

DosCentavos is worried about the 'rona, so he posted a good Q&A with the COVID hunter, Dr. Varon from UMMC.  And the details released last week surrounding the Garland woman who died from the coronavirus last July -- on a Spirit Airlines flight from Las Vegas to DFW, diverted to Albuquerque -- remain unclear.

Most of my election-related posts will be in a subsequent Wrangle later today tomorrow, as there is some fresh polling due later today.  Here's some items that make the segue for me.

Stopping here with some musical comedy.

Joshua Brown at The Rag Blog has a cartoon animation starring Trump as Covid Man, to the tune of The Beatles' "Nowhere Man".

Doing his Weird Al Yankovic schtick, Socratic Gadfly taps his inner Blue Öyster Cult and offers the lyrics for “Don’t Fear the Virus.”  After all, “Donaldine and Melania ARE together in COVIDity.”

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