The cartoon at the top of yesterday's post takes on additional meaning in light of the president's overnight diagnosis. I'm not one to dance on peoples' graves -- that's for Mitch McConnell and his slimy ilk -- but Trump is certainly going to find a way to politically capitalize on his health development. Should he survive it.
If he does not, then it's Pence who wins, by default and perhaps by ballot too.
And what if Biden should turn up infected, incapacitated, or something worse? Obviously IMO the DNC will roll with the zero-delegate-earning veep selection made by Old Joe -- again, it's her name on the ticket -- and not the man who received the second-most delegates in their primaries. In the fine Democrat tradition first established (as best I know) in 1944.
Good times.
I hope everyone understands why I and so many others no longer want to be associated with this two-headed monster. There's a lot of Constitutional wrestling for Ds and Rs to do in order to save themselves from extinction. Climate chaos is more likely to get us all anyway, if COVID-19 -- or the next novel coronavirus after this one -- doesn't.
In the meanwhile, we'll rearrange the Titanic's deck chairs. (Hey, if you're not feeling pessimistically existential or nihilistic, or both, this morning ... WTF is wrong with you?)
-- How about a real civilized debate next week, since those others may be canceled now?
Howie will be participating in the The Free and Equal Elections Foundation Debate on Tuesday, October 8 in Denver, CO. While none of the major party candidates will attend, this is a great opportunity to hear what our #LeftUnity campaign is fighting for!
— Howie Hawkins (@HowieHawkins) September 27, 2020
@DonBlankenship is confirmed to participate in Free & Equal's Open Presidential Debate this OCT. 8th. He will be joining candidates @HowieHawkins, @GloriaLaRiva, @BrianCarrollASP, & @brockpierce.
— Free & Equal Elections (@FreeandEqual) October 1, 2020
LIVESTREAM: #OpenTheDebates
Regrettably, Mark Charles was not invited.
Don't like either candidate after that debate? Vote Green, or write in Mark Charles 2020. Check them out. Time for a real alternative. Hey @NPR why aren't you talking about these other candidates?
— Regular Person 🌹🌻 🦺 Vote 4 No Evil (@dailyintel1) September 30, 2020
It appears he was unable to qualify for write-in status in Texas.
Great question. I am on the ballot in CO and a write-in candidate in: AL, DE, GA, IL, IA, ME, MS, MT, NH, NJ, OR, PA, RI, VT, WA, DC, WV and WY.
— Mark Charles 2020 (@wirelesshogan) October 1, 2020
Working to be a write-in candidate in: AK, AZ, CA, CT, ID, KS, KY, MD, MN, MO, NE, NY, ND, VA, WI.
Mark Jones Tweeted a list of all Texas write-ins, from the top of your ballot down, that I posted in Monday's Wrangle. Remember: only "qualified" write-in votes count, so don't bother writing in Bernie, or Mickey Mouse, or Hypnotoad, or anybody else not on the TXSoS' list.
I had a lot more for this post, but circumstances nuked much of the relevance. So like you -- and everyone else -- I'll wait and watch and see what happens next.
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