Joe Biden on cognitive decline testing: “I've been tested and I'm constantly tested"
— President Raprock Obiden Bama (@aturtlenamedbo1) August 5, 2020
Also Joe Biden: "No I haven't taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test."
— MSDNC - Commentary & Satire (@MSDNCNews) August 5, 2020
I suppose you read the news that he's still trying to make up his mind about a running mate.
— 🔥Allison🔥 (@kruppofnoodles) August 1, 2020
IIRC Biden would have picked Amy Klobuchar back in May, after Obama cleared the field for his nomination. But then George Floyd was murdered, and the nation's mood shifted, and while Joe kept saying he would put a Black woman on the Supreme Court, he made no such promise about veep. Finally Amy removed herself from consideration, making it obvious what he should do (I expect we'll read in one of those TIME magazine-styled inside-the-campaign reveals a year or two from now that Jill Biden and Valerie Owens Biden leaned on Klobuchar to do that).
— MSDNC - Commentary & Satire (@MSDNCNews) August 3, 2020
Biden forgets to pick VP.
Instead of things like this being the top story ...
New: Manhattan DA Cy Vance in a new filing pointed to reporting by @Fahrenthold that Trump inflated his wealth to potential lenders and business partners as a justification for subpoenaing his tax returns, signaling a possible fraud investigation.
— Andrew Solender (@AndrewSolender) August 3, 2020
... this is.
Joe Biden strongly opposes marijuana legalization and made sure it was not in the Democratic Party Platform.
— Prof Zenkus (@anthonyzenkus) August 3, 2020
People are literally dying in prison for the crime of selling weed, and Biden just doesn't care. #NeverBiden
Instead of this ...
At ⬇️32.9%, Q2 was THE WORST economic crash in U.S. history.
— Richard Hine (@richardhine) August 3, 2020
For months,🍊🤡💩 has been telling us the July-September would be a YUGE rebound.
It’s August already and he just went golfing as emergency benefits expired for millions.#TrumpHasNoPlan
... this.
— Ken Klippenstein (@kenklippenstein) August 2, 2020
A larger percentage of Republicans support Medicare for All compared to members of the @DNC platform committee. Let that sink in.
— Augie Lindmark (@AugieLindmark) August 3, 2020
Biden over his career has been a center-right corporate extremist and he has not made one *major* policy concession yet to the left. The DNC just voted AGAINST Medicare for All, Medicare for Kids, legalizing cannabis, rejecting corporate pac money and banning corporate lobbyists.
— Ryan Knight 🌹 (@ProudSocialist) August 4, 2020
If Biden refuses to adopt popular policies that would help him get elected and which would also relieve an enormous amount of healthcare related suffering & stress during a global health pandemic, any disaffected voters are Biden’s responsibility alone.
— Briahna Joy Gray (@briebriejoy) August 2, 2020
And then there's this.
This is actually really telling...@BernieSanders gave 10 reasons to vote AGAINST Trump, but did not give one reason to vote FOR @JoeBiden.
— Ryan Knight 🌹 (@ProudSocialist) August 4, 2020
No, Bernie. This isn't good enough to get me to vote for your friend Joe, or any other Democrat.
Look, y'all. Joe Biden may very well become our next president. Putting aside his center-right policy positions & all his baggage, I don't foresee him being very good at the job.
— David B. Collins for Senate 🌻☮ (@dbcgreentx) August 2, 2020
And Walter Bragman, an excellent point.
Humans are going to look back one day—after millions have been made refugees, the Equator is unlivable, Dengue fever has reached Chicago, crop yields have dropped 30%, and the coasts have moved miles inland—and wonder why so many of us tolerated pro-fracking politicians.
— Walker Bragman (@WalkerBragman) August 2, 2020
I am weary of this.
This may surprise some of you, but after a lot of soul searching I have come to a conclusion you may not like. Like it or not, we really only have two choices. Sorry, we do. That is just the reality.
— citizen uprising (@cit_uprising) August 2, 2020
You can either:
1. Vote Green
2. Write in
Anything else is wasting your vote.
Here's our Daily Jackass: Chris Wright, posting at OpEd News.
The two party system will always find a reason to tell you why now is not the time for systemic change.
— Mark Charles 2020 (@wirelesshogan) August 5, 2020
The illusion of choice in a two party system.
— Jameson Lopp (@lopp) August 2, 2020
very cool and respectful
— Bes🌹 (@besf0rt) August 3, 2020
— Angela Walker (@AngelaNWalker) August 1, 2020
A few words about Kanye.
Whether he meant to or not, Kanye West has become a prop for the Trump campaign.
— Jesse Damiani (@JesseDamiani) August 5, 2020
To all the people worrying about how Kanye West being on the ballot could split the vote: pass #RankedChoiceVoting in your state, and you won't have to worry about "vote-splitting" or "spoilers" anymore. We did it in Maine, and it works. We can fix this broken voting system.
— Lisa Savage for US Senate🌻 (@LisaForMaine) August 5, 2020
Amid various reports that Republican and Trump-affiliated political operatives are trying to get Kanye West onto various state ballots for November’s presidential election, the billionaire rap superstar indicated, in an interview by text today, that he was in fact running to siphon votes from the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden.Asked about that directly, West said that rather than running for president, he was “walking,” quickly adding that he was “walking . . . to win.”
When it was pointed out that he actually can’t win in 2020 -- that he won’t be on enough ballots to yield 270 electoral votes, and that a write-in campaign isn’t feasible --and thus was serving as a spoiler, West replied: “I’m not going to argue with you. Jesus is King.”
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