Saturday, August 15, 2020

White House Update: 2020 is in the mail

As I fell behind this week, here's a brief post (brief for me, anyway) on the race to 1600 Pennsavainya.

-- Kamala is catching the racism and misogyny slings and arrows from Trump and the Right, as all thought she would.  She's deftly blocking them, as everyone also expected.

-- The efforts the president is expending to scrunge the election by sabotaging the post office are shocking even by the standards he has established.

Conspiracy theories abound.

I've read lots of speculating over the past several weeks about 'what if Trump doesn't leave', if/when he loses the election, as I'm sure you have.  I personally haven't given it any worry time, as I'm of the opinion that there will be some soldiers who will do the ejecting if it becomes necessary, and that they might have to fight their way through some other soldiers loyal to the incumbent, not to mention a few militias, to do so.  All in a day's work for the military.

This is going to be a more salacious development.

"From golden showers in a sex club in Vegas, to tax fraud, to deals with corrupt officials from the former Soviet Union, to catch and kill conspiracies to silence Trump's clandestine lovers, I wasn't just a witness to the president's rise -- I was an active and eager participant ..."

Fun.  Here's a few barely-related Tweets from the past week regarding developments that are, shall we say, self-explanatory.

I'll have a lot to say about the DNC convention next week.  Trust me.

-- Libertarian Jo Jorgensen was bitten by a bat in Hattiesburg, MS prior to a rally for inclusion in the presidential debates.  She got inoculated for rabies as a result.  Politico and The Hill also covered the incident.  No word on the condition of the bat.

-- In the only other news I care to mention this week, there were a couple of vice-presidential selection developments in two minor party campaigns.  Via Indy Political Report:

Green Party turned Independent candidate Dario Hunter, who will be on the ballot in Colorado under the banner of the Progressive Party, has announced Penobscot Nation activist Dawn Neptune Adams will replace Darlene Elias as his running mate. No reason for the replacement was given.

Independent Candidate Mark Charles released a statement announcing Sedinam Moyowasifza-Curry was no longer going to be his running mate. Again, no reason was given for the change.

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