— Kenneth P. Vogel (@kenvogel) June 17, 2020
• TRUMP tried to halt criminal investigations to help "dictators he liked”
• TRUMP did not seem to know that Britain is a nuclear power & asked if Finland is part of Russia
• POMPEO indicated he thought Trump was "so full of shit”
President Donald Trump “pleaded” with China’s Xi Jinping during a 2019 summit to help his reelection prospects, according to a scathing new book by former Trump adviser John Bolton that accuses the president of being driven by political calculations when making national security decisions.
EXCLUSIVE: The president’s niece Mary Trump is set to publish a tell-all this summer—and to reveal that she was a primary source for The New York Times’ investigation into Trump’s taxes.
— Noah Shachtman (@NoahShachtman) June 15, 2020
Trump said journalists deserve to be executed during a meeting with former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, according to a former aide | Business Insider#FreePress #Assange
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) June 18, 2020
Apparently, after strategically retreating in order to spare the #GeorgeFloyd protesters, the anti-racist #coronavirus has now redeployed its forces to Oklahoma in advance of the (it goes without saying) totally Hitlerian #TrumpRally!
— Consent Factory (@consent_factory) June 18, 2020
After the Rodney King beating, Biden met with law enforcement and created the "Police Officers Bill of Rights" to protect cops who engage in violent misconduct? Trump or Biden. Damn, I can't think of two people more inapt to lead the nation at this moment in history.
— Yellow Vests Form Like Voltron🌹 (@TweetyMctwat) June 17, 2020
Cops shot a projectile into the eye of a journalist in Minneapolis on May 29. She didn't have insurance. Her first two surgeries left her with bills totaling $58,000.
— Jared Holt (@jaredlholt) June 15, 2020
The best solution she found was paying $100/mo for 25 years.
via @lukeoneil47
We had one of the best democratic fields in history and we ended up with the worst candidate. Who do you blame? I blame corporate media propaganda around “electability” and moderate voters who continue to resist the fundamental change that we desperately need to heal this nation.
— Ryan Knight 🌹 (@ProudSocialist) June 17, 2020
#IfDonaldTrumpIsReelected it's because the Democratic party valued their corporate donors interests more than the people. That's how Trump got elected in the first place.
— Solidarity NOW! ☭ 🦺 (@Karlmarxhd) June 16, 2020
You can thank these catastrophic nullities who never step down, regardless of how much they fail:
Personally, I blame Obama.
The NYT even reported on it. The other candidates didnt all drop out and get behind Biden 24 hours before Super Tuesday by accident.
— Justin Buell 🌹 (@JustinBuell7) June 16, 2020
— Mike Flugennock (@flugennock) June 14, 2020
We have a winner.
New @DataProgress poll shows Warren continuing to lead the Veepstakes, both in the top-line & with several key groups Biden struggles with. Highlights below.
— Anthony Tordillos (@artordillos) June 17, 2020
1st choice for VP
Warren: 27% ✅
Harris: 21%
Abrams: 14%
Rice: 6%
Klobuchar: 5%
Demings: 5%
Why is Barbara Lee not the front runner for the VP slot on the Democratic ticket?
— Farron Cousins (@farronbalanced) June 16, 2020
Don't get lost in the sauce!
— Howie Hawkins (@HowieHawkins) June 18, 2020
Vote your values. #NeverSettle
If you've read the US Constitution you know it's littered with racist, sexist and white supremacist language. I have a few suggested edits and I invite you to read them. #first100days #AllThePeople
— Mark Charles 2020 (@wirelesshogan) June 18, 2020
Ruth Bader Ginsburg ruled with the conservative majority in this 7-2 decision
— Eric Renner Brown (@ericrennerbrown) June 15, 2020
Really unfair for all the 3rd party votes to go to Trump. Half should go to Biden imo.
— NoBadDudes2020 (@nocornpop2020) June 15, 2020
"Politically in this country, you have Coke or Pepsi. Every now and again, Dr Pepper comes along and everybody is like, 'You ruined this for everyone else.’'’-Jon Stewart
— Scott Santens🧢🤠 (@scottsantens) June 15, 2020
I for one am absolutely sick of this destructive dynamic. We need to be able to rank our choices. @fairvote
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