Friday, June 12, 2020

Race for the White House Update: Biden's to lose

  Doncha wish he wasn't trying so hard to lose it?

We should have seen it coming.  He did tell his biggest funders 'nothing would fundamentally change', after all, and he doesn't lie to them as much as he lies to the rest of us.

Some of the things Old Joe says still have the capacity to shock.

His weekly brain fart is not one of them.

Five more months of this.  Can he last?  Perhaps if Trump continues in Christofascist fashion (see what I alliterated there?).  Dallas yesterday, where he met with "faith leaders" (sic) prior to a high-dollar fundraiser.

-- #UglyPresident trends after Trump describes teargassing protesters in Minneapolis 'beautiful'

The president's latest temper tantrum had him moving the RNC convention out of Charlotte, North Carolina -- mostly -- and into Jacksonville, FL because of COVID19 restrictions imposed by the Tarheels' Democratic governor, Roy Cooper. 

A week from today, Trump restarts his campaign rally tour in Tulsa, OK on Juneteenth.

For those of you who may be planning on going, you'll need to sign a waiver promising not to sue if you contract the 'rona. 

And the Republican National Committee hasn't been vaccinated against laughable gaffes, either.

They're real busy over there.  Too busy to write or even read their own platform, and it's certainly true that not much has changed in four years, at least from their point of view.

Pick your shitshow; left door or right door.  Actually the left door is on the right, and the right door is so far to the right it's outside the teevee studio.

Meanwhile Bernie is still hosting video conferences, most recently with ... Cory Booker.

That wasn't Sanders' biggest letdown of the week, personally.

Candidly, it's not Joe Biden who seals my divorce from the Donks.  It's Bernie Sanders.  And his campaign manager two cycles running: Jeff Weaver.

So I'm glad the truth is being spoken somewhere.

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