Tuesday, May 05, 2020

TexProgBlog Wrangle II: Revenge of the Fifth

The Trump administration's own Bay of Pigs fiasco in Venezuela, reported last evening, featured two Texans in leadership roles.

Here are a couple of citizen action items for today.

Some additional accounts of the lawsuits against limitations to early voting by mail (aka absentee voting, mail ballots, and a few other names):

And other litigation updates.

The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit decided Monday that a case challenging the Texas prohibition of government entities from contracting with companies who boycott Israel is moot.

The court vacated the preliminary injunction and remanded the case to the district court to dismiss the complaints. The order did not address the constitutionality of Texas’s law.

Judge (E. Grady) Jolly wrote that the case was moot because all of the plaintiffs are sole proprietors, and Texas enacted legislation that exempts sole proprietors from the “No Boycott of Israel” certification. The plaintiffs claim that the law violates their First Amendment speech rights.

Rather than go long on the plethora of coronavirus updates from around the state, this piece from Rich Shumate of Chicken Fried Politics provides insight to the travails of governors, senators, and state legislators across the South in dealing with the competing interests of capitalism and public health and safety.  What troubles Greg Abbott is not different from what concerns the governor in Florida or the Senate Majority Leader from Kentucky; their respective reactions -- and whether they are up for re-election this year -- certainly is.

Still, we must acknowledge the shortcomings of our leaders.

In a follow-up to an item in last week's Wrangle ...

All together now: "Okay, Alex; EAT. MY. ASS."

As difficult as it is to top that, one salon owner tried her best.

The tornado that ripped through Polk County in East Texas last week produced debris that will be a long time cleaning up.  Elsewhere on the environmental front ...

Wrapping another Wrangle with some of the lighter items, such as they are.

In a pair of stories from the Valley, Jose Antonio Lopez writes at the Rio Grande Guardian about Alonso de León, another of the Spanish explorers and settlers of Texas.  And Dan Clouse at LareDOS has a tale from Uncle Billy about a map to buried treasure at Lake Falcon.

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