Friday, May 29, 2020

Race for the White House Update: The revolution gets televised

-- And the teevee reporters get arrested.

-- And quickly released after a phone call from CNN's Jeff Zucker to MN Gov. Tim Walz.

-- Meanwhile, Trump is losing what little remains of his sanity over Twitter tagging his lies and celebrating threats of violence.  Someone surely told him that his executive order does not trump (pun intended) the First Amendment, but when did he ever care about the Constitution?

Jeez, it's too bad the Democrats can't impeach him.

-- That brings us to Joe (and Bernie, briefly).

Yes, this a difficult moment for the nation, in a variety of the most understated ways.

Did you miss the farting episode?

I should probably put my resources into more important stories.

-- Enough of those pesky questions for now.  What's happening in the veepstakes?

Uh oh. That's not good.

Probably means about as much as a 75-1 longshot dropping out before Derby Day.

Tough week for everybody.  It may get a little better next week, as Texas Democrats host Biden and nearly all of his former contending rivals at their virtual convention.  I'll have a post on that shortly.

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