Just a bit more than two months before the Iowa caucuses. So it's probably too soon for this.
If you got a better way-too-early prediction, let's hear it in the comments.
No sooner than Hillary Clinton reached her most recent spoiled-milk discard date, we get Obama weighing in on the 2020 primary.
I'm just sorry I bought his lies in 2008. By 2009 I was off the bus, but the damage, as we all know -- even those who cannot acknowledge it to this day -- was done.
And that's not the half of it: drone-killing American-born teenagers for the alleged sins of their fathers; "we tortured some folks"; signing the NDAA (which ended habeas corpus); letting the protests at Standing Rock "play out for several more weeks", enabling militarized police forces to brutalize protestors; prosecuting low-level government whistleblowers (Chelsea Manning) while letting top advisers skate (David Petraeus). I could go on, but if you haven't gotten the picture already, you never will.
I have but one fuck left to give about what Barack Obama says or does regarding the 2020 Democratic primary. If he opposes Bernie Sanders to any degree greater than he already has ... well, as I wrote a couple of weeks ago, revolutions can take place at the ballot box or in the streets. And the establishment corporacrat centrist neoliberal faction gets to choose where it will be.
It would have been illuminating to have heard from him during the past three years as Trump savaged him, the office of the presidency, and all of the normative behaviors that have been in place for almost two hundred and fifty years of our republican democracy, but I suppose he was just too busy making post-presidency millions to comment on any of that. It seems that I heard more griping about Trump from George W. Bush than I did from Obama, as a matter of fact.
Be that as it may, BO can take a seat beside HRC and STFU. Forever.
Now then ... let's review the aspirational jerks bidding to be the next Obama.
-- BootEdgeEdge's post-debate polling bump is, according to 538.com, still just his base. He got called out for his lying by Michael Harriott at The Root, who then got a phone call from Pete. Seems to have gone well enough. One more thing:
That's enough of a reason to strip IA and NH from first-in-the-nation status as far as I am concerned. I don't think it will ever happen, though. Let the speculation begin as to the eventual migration of Petey voters, once reality splashes cold in their faces.
-- Elizabeth Warren has had a much tougher week, month, past couple of months.
Her candor issues have crushed her.
-- No, wait; Senile Uncle Joe had a worse week. His top Latina adviser quitting his campaign underscored his problems with voters who are not conservative, senior whites and blacks.
Hostility, mild or not-so-much, is a symptom of dementia. At least he was able to remember to suggest to another person to vote Democrat.
-- So if you were seriously wondering why Mike Bloomberg jumped in, now you know. See, Bloomer is even more of Republican than Joe, or Liz, or Pete.
But what candidate is it that all of these powerful, influential moderates really want? I read this and I still can't figure it out.
-- Then again, maybe Kamala had it roughest. The requiems and obituaries have been written.
Hey, political advisers have to eat too.
-- All roads then lead to one place.
-- MSNBC's debate moderators and the network's coverage of Yang and Tulsi and Bernie -- wrong and misleading where it has been presented at all -- has come under plenty of withering fire. So here is a rare moment of clarity when Chris Matthews, the fattest of the network's blind hogsfound the biggest acorn asked the right question.
Major Gabbard, similarly, gets more wrong than right but this is the crux of her campaign IMHO and the best argument for her bid for the White House.
-- So long, Mayor Messam. We really never knew ye.
If you got a better way-too-early prediction, let's hear it in the comments.
No sooner than Hillary Clinton reached her most recent spoiled-milk discard date, we get Obama weighing in on the 2020 primary.
Obama’s post-presidency is grating and full of contradictions. He considers himself the leader of the party but refuses to lead. He considers himself a success but the mere fact of Trump’s presidency belies this. He won on hope and counsels hopelessness. https://t.co/HwAFqNAEsD— David Klion🔥 (@DavidKlion) November 26, 2019
I'm just sorry I bought his lies in 2008. By 2009 I was off the bus, but the damage, as we all know -- even those who cannot acknowledge it to this day -- was done.
— AmorGaia🌹 (@AmorGaia) November 26, 2019
And that's not the half of it: drone-killing American-born teenagers for the alleged sins of their fathers; "we tortured some folks"; signing the NDAA (which ended habeas corpus); letting the protests at Standing Rock "play out for several more weeks", enabling militarized police forces to brutalize protestors; prosecuting low-level government whistleblowers (Chelsea Manning) while letting top advisers skate (David Petraeus). I could go on, but if you haven't gotten the picture already, you never will.
I have but one fuck left to give about what Barack Obama says or does regarding the 2020 Democratic primary. If he opposes Bernie Sanders to any degree greater than he already has ... well, as I wrote a couple of weeks ago, revolutions can take place at the ballot box or in the streets. And the establishment corporacrat centrist neoliberal faction gets to choose where it will be.
It would have been illuminating to have heard from him during the past three years as Trump savaged him, the office of the presidency, and all of the normative behaviors that have been in place for almost two hundred and fifty years of our republican democracy, but I suppose he was just too busy making post-presidency millions to comment on any of that. It seems that I heard more griping about Trump from George W. Bush than I did from Obama, as a matter of fact.
Be that as it may, BO can take a seat beside HRC and STFU. Forever.
Now then ... let's review the aspirational jerks bidding to be the next Obama.
In terms of actual numbers, the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries don't actually mean that much. But thanks to the media attention, the two states hold a disproportionate amount of power in presidential elections, especially given their lack of diversity. https://t.co/p0ZOrVZzPA pic.twitter.com/mZFEvwdCkA— WhoWhatWhy (@whowhatwhy) November 24, 2019
-- BootEdgeEdge's post-debate polling bump is, according to 538.com, still just his base. He got called out for his lying by Michael Harriott at The Root, who then got a phone call from Pete. Seems to have gone well enough. One more thing:
"Warren supporters I talked with...told me that, while they may not find Buttigieg sufficiently progressive on certain issues, they’re dazzled by his intellect and attracted to his folksy charm. Most Sanders backers, though, tended to feel the opposite" https://t.co/5IQ1AMHtc6— Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) November 27, 2019
That's enough of a reason to strip IA and NH from first-in-the-nation status as far as I am concerned. I don't think it will ever happen, though. Let the speculation begin as to the eventual migration of Petey voters, once reality splashes cold in their faces.
When the Pete bubble inevitably bursts, MSNBC is gonna try to manufacture a Klobuchar surge.— Samuel D. Finkelstein II (@CANCEL_SAM) November 26, 2019
I wish I was kidding.
-- Elizabeth Warren has had a much tougher week, month, past couple of months.
#Warren's polling numbers have seen statistically significant drops in support among almost ***every demographic group surveyed*** Holy shit.https://t.co/OQuTrY1qG9— Presumptuous Insect (@PresumptuousBug) November 25, 2019
Her candor issues have crushed her.
Elizabeth Warren’s latest ‘clarification’ shows her real trouble is with the truth | Opinion https://t.co/X03joSY1zF— Dr Kazoo (@kgopinion) November 26, 2019
-- No, wait; Senile Uncle Joe had a worse week. His top Latina adviser quitting his campaign underscored his problems with voters who are not conservative, senior whites and blacks.
Biden was criticized for skipping a Latino elected officials forum in June -- at the time, a campaign surrogate held up Cárdenas’ role in the campaign as proof of Biden’s commitment to Latino voters. And in August, his campaign went into damage control after immigration activists grew upset with him over how he spoke about the issue at a debate. He also avoided a California Democratic event where he was aware the immigration issue could haunt him.
At a South Carolina event on Thursday, Biden ended up in a widely publicized clash with Carlos Rojas, an immigration activist with the group Movimiento Cosecha, who wanted the candidate to pledge to halt deportations.
"No. I will not stop all deportations. I will prioritize deportations, only people who have committed a felony or serious crime,” Biden told Rojas.
Rojas then told Biden that he had volunteered for the Obama-Biden campaign in 2008 but became disenchanted with the Obama administration because “over those 8 years, there were 3 million people that were deported and separated from their families.”
“You should vote for Trump,” Biden cut in.
Hostility, mild or not-so-much, is a symptom of dementia. At least he was able to remember to suggest to another person to vote Democrat.
Does Joe Biden even try? After a woman defended Medicare For All against Joe's criticism, he gets angry and tells her she should back Sanders or Warren.— Florian (@BetaODork) November 25, 2019
“Well, god love you. You got the right candidate in Bernie. You got the right one. Well, in Elizabeth, or whomever you have.” pic.twitter.com/CYtlf0QwN7
-- So if you were seriously wondering why Mike Bloomberg jumped in, now you know. See, Bloomer is even more of Republican than Joe, or Liz, or Pete.
I forgot Bloomberg spent nearly $10 million to re-elect Pat Toomey in 2016. Toomey beat Katie McGinty, a Democrat, who would have been Pennsylvania's first female senator https://t.co/9PCjec6FP9— Rachel Cohen (@rmc031) November 26, 2019
Michael Bloomberg didn't just host & do a photoshoot with Crown Prince MBS in 2018 in NYC, but just 2 months ago, a year *after& the Khashoggi murder!, Bloomberg also praised MBS for making "progress" and taking Saudi Arabia "in the right direction":— Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) November 25, 2019
But what candidate is it that all of these powerful, influential moderates really want? I read this and I still can't figure it out.
-- Then again, maybe Kamala had it roughest. The requiems and obituaries have been written.
Kamala’s staff is jumping ship— K!LLA CAM 🌺 (@killa_cam214) November 28, 2019
And they’re getting on board with Bloomberg 🙄 https://t.co/dA9Tr7UpCS
Hey, political advisers have to eat too.
-- All roads then lead to one place.
Quit saying that Bernie Sanders can't win — he may be the most electable Democrat running in 2020 https://t.co/AfLsDETBXo— Salon (@Salon) November 24, 2019
-- MSNBC's debate moderators and the network's coverage of Yang and Tulsi and Bernie -- wrong and misleading where it has been presented at all -- has come under plenty of withering fire. So here is a rare moment of clarity when Chris Matthews, the fattest of the network's blind hogs
Chris Matthews: “Why are so many Democrat leaders war hawks?” Intelligent but all too rare question from MSM. So important to our country/world. Only had a minute to reply. Listen for yourself. #TULSI2020 pic.twitter.com/CXEW4Qdm3H— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) November 23, 2019
Major Gabbard, similarly, gets more wrong than right but this is the crux of her campaign IMHO and the best argument for her bid for the White House.
-- So long, Mayor Messam. We really never knew ye.
Wayne Messam, mayor of Miramar, Florida, drops out of the 2020 Democratic presidential racehttps://t.co/A9EOcfSRCC— Rodney Latstetter (@proviewsusa) November 24, 2019
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