Monday, September 18, 2017

The Weekly Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance encourages continued support for Harvey (and Irma) relief efforts as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff reminds us that we have elections this November and they still need our attention.

As part of job hunting, Socratic Gadfly pays careful attention to some of the fluffery and hyperbolic language in employment ads and job descriptions and translates some for you, likely as part of an ongoing series.

The question "what happened" was not answered by PDiddie at Brains and Eggs, but rephrased as: 'WTF are Democrats going to do going forward?' (Hopefully not more infighting.)  He also had a good word to say about Houston mayor Sylvester Turner's efforts in managing the city's responses to Hurricane Harvey.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wonders: what's worse?  Denying food stamps to Harvey victims or refusing to register students to vote?

Turning 50 this week, Neil at All People Have Value offered a list of his favorite politicians in life.  It is not a long list.  APHV is part of

jobsanger serves some pie charts that reveal the US still has way too many racists.

Grits for Breakfast helps Just Liberty kick off their podcast, 'Reliably Suspicious', with a launch party in Austin on Wednesday.  Details are here.

Doyin Oyeniyi at Texas Monthly's Energy Department followed up on the largest Harvey-related oil spill, which occurred in Galena Park and went undiscovered for a couple of weeks.

Leah Binkovitz at Rice University's Urban Edge blog sees a nascent transformative moment for Houston's auto/carbon-centric culture: bicycles can  keep the Bayou City rolling.

Houston Justice is shockedIsayshocked to find gambling in this casino racism in the so-called progressive movement.

DBC Green Blog posts about Medicare For All, the enthusiasm it's generating among progressives irrespective of party affiliation ... and one careful warning.

And Dos Centavos wonders if Trump's deal on DACA with Democratic Party leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi is just another tease.  (If it is, Trump's base has swallowed the bait.)


More lefty blog posts and news from across our beloved Deep-In-The-Hearta!

CPPP's Better Texas blog breaks down some of the US Census's latest poverty and income numbers relevant to the Lone Star State.

NBA and Spurs star Tim Duncan is in his native US Virgin Islands assisting with Hurricane Irma relief, reports the San Antonio Current.

Daniel Williams at Equality Texas highlights the continued need for local non-discrimination ordinances in Texas.

Melissa Law at Houstonia denounces the idea that Harvey was anything but a catastrophe that is still ongoing.

It's Not Hou It's Me shares her mucking experience.

Juanita Jean rounds up some of the lesser 9/11 memorials.

Therese Odell at Foolish Watcher has a few of the late-night reactions to the Ted Cruz Twitter porn-liking saga.

Michael Li explains what happens next in the redistricting case.

Mean Green Cougar Red examines Harvey-related survivor's guilt.

Dan Wallach at Freedom to Tinker goes into detail about the security properties that a voting system needs to have.

Space City Weather looks back at all of the Harvey-spawned tornadoes.

And Harry Hamid shares some forbidden text.

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