Monday, July 07, 2014

The Weekly Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance has been driving around asking about incendiary chemicals as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff reports on the petitions turned in by opponents of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance to require a repeal referendum on the ballot in November, and the determination of the ordinance's backers to defend it against such efforts.

Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos is sick and disgusted to report another chemical explosion like that in West, TX last year is a strong possibility. Why? Because Greg Abbott has a Koch problem: why Texas residents are essentially powerless.

WCNews at Eye on Williamson shows that Greg Abbott's chemical problems makes clear that the GOP in Texas is Corporate-Owned.

While PDiddie at Brains and Eggs finds a great deal to be enthusiastic about in recent developments for the Blue team's chances in November, it's not all peaches and cream for Texas Democrats.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme knows Greg Abbott loves profits for his cronies over worker safety and Blake Farenthold loves cronies so much he's eased up a teensy bit on the usual republican Hispanic bashing. It's oligarchy first for the GOP.

The Supreme Court ruling giving Hobby Lobby the right to deny contraception health services was a surprise to many Americans. But given how ecstatic Greg Abbott was about the decision, Texas Leftist is left to wonder just what surprises he'd have if elected governor. Would Abbott try to ban birth control in Texas??


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

No Border Wall and Que Fregados have heartbreaking reports from the scene in South Texas, where thousands of children escaping violence in their Central America homelands are streaming across the Rio Grande.

CultureMap Houston reports on the Concert Against Hate, bringing eight Houston theater companies together to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act.

jobsanger also wondered why Wendy Davis chose to run away from national Democrats at the state convention, while Socratic Gadfly mused as to whether jealousy was involved.

Fascist Dyke Motors has chapter one of the Totally True Tales of Dana.

Paul Kennedy and many other defense attorneys in Harris County protested the actions of a criminal court judge that was "encouraging" defendants to do their business before him without being represented by a lawyer.

Texas Election Law Blog analyzes True The Vote's ability to intervene in the Thad Cochran/Chris McDaniel election dispute.

Texas Clean Air Matters celebrates the recent SCOTUS ruling that confirmed the EPA's authority to address climate pollution, while State Impact Texas says that if it seems hazy in Central Texas lately, don't worry.  It's just Saharan dust in the wind.

Greg Wythe shows us what signing in on Election Day may look like in the near future.

SciGuy reassures us that we are not likely to be eaten by a shark.

The Bloggess researched fireworks options so you didn't have to.

And finally, Lowering the Bar isn't a Texas blog, but as a legal humor blog targeting Greg Abbott for his pathetic performance in the redistricting legal fee dispute with Wendy Davis, they're welcome to be in this week's review.

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