Monday, March 24, 2014

The Weekly Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance has no idea what's so hard to understand about the concept of equal pay as it brings you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff wonders why the decline in GOP primary turnout, especially in strongholds like Collin County, has generated so little attention.

Horwitz at Texpatriate eulogizes Robert Strauss, who could teach us all a lesson about bipartisanship.

If we are to win the battle on issues, we must win the battle of language. emphasizes these points with Bill Maher’s most recent New Rule.

Libby Shaw at Texas Kaos notes the Republican war on women is real and it is relentless. Greg Abbott says he is for equal pay, but would veto a bill requiring it.

Greg Abbott's bad week has stretched into a bad month, as the AG keeps stepping in (that's not insensitive, is it?) messes of his own making. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs links to Harvey Kronberg, who declares that "all bets are off" in the Texas governor's race.

When the political debate is about issues that are central to the lives of poor, working and middle class Texans, that's a bad day for the Texas GOP and a good day for everyone else. WCNews at Eye on Williamson says that's what we need as a A Democratic Alternative.

Neil at All People Have Value took a long walk in Houston on the first day of spring. Neil said that just as the work of freedom is up to each of us, so is the task of seeing the value in the everyday things around us. All People Have Value is part of

As more Houstonians discover public transit, they are also beginning to expect a higher level of transit service. A sincere attempt to address this void is Houston METRO's T.R.I.P. App -- a geolocation tool that provides real-time arrival information to anyone with a smart phone. The app is potentially a game-changer, which is why Texas Leftist decided to test it out on a couple of routes. Does it really work?


And here are some great blog posts from elsewhere around Texas.

Texas Election Law Blog takes a deeper look at rationality and voting behavior.

Nonsequiteuse connects the dots on anti-abortion rhetoric and violence.

Juanita Jean uses the word "haboob" in a sentence. It probably doesn't mean what you think it means.

The Lunch Tray revisits that study that claimed to find a large decrease in childhood obesity.

Better Texas takes a look at how states are handling the coverage gap.

Grits for Breakfast notes a sharp rebuke of Greg Abbott by the Court of Criminal Appeals.

Burkablog also eulogizes Robert Strauss.

BOR profiles SD17 challenger Rita Lucido.

Concerned Citizens examines alternatives to streetcars in San Antonio.

And Beyond Bones has some awesome True Facts about The Princess Bride.

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