Monday, March 03, 2014

The Day Before Election Day Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance is delighted to see marriage equality take another big step forward as we bring you this week's roundup.

Off the Kuff examines the past performance of UT/Texas Trib polls in statewide Demorcatic primaries and finds it wanting.

As the Uber rideshare program (and all its politics) comes to Houston, George and Horwitz at Texpatriate take different sides on the issue; one in favor, one against.

After a recent visit to the Natural State, Texas Leftist has discovered that Arkansas' 'private option' alternative to Medicaid expansion is a rousing success. So successful in fact, it seems only natural that dysfunctional GOP politicians would try to kill it. Are they really willing to kick one hundred thousand people (and counting) off of their health plans?

WCNews at Eye on Williamson reminds us that the Texas GOP holds all the power in Texas and therefore Everything That's Wrong with Texas is the Texas GOP's Fault.

It's a good thing that Greg Abbott doesn't comprehend the damage he's doing to his chances to get elected, observes PDiddie at Brains and Eggs. And as long as Abbott continues not getting it, Ted Nugent is going to be the gift that keeps on giving.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wonders why Greg Abbott's campaign publicly endorses Ted Nugent's views.

Neil at All People Have Value posted about the brave and hopeful man who interrupted arguments at the Supreme Court to speak up in opposition to Citizens United. All People Have Value is part of


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

John Coby has Greg Abbott's next apology all ready for him.

The Texas Green Report updates us on the Sierra Club's litigation against industrial polluters.

Offcite looks at your cancer risk in Houston.

The Lunch Tray reports that a growing number of Congressional Republicans are seeking to gut the 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.

The Inanity of Sanity mocks the latest video smear attempt by James O'Keefe, this time against Battleground Texas.

TFN Insider awaits an apology to teachers from Dan Patrick and David Dewhurst now that their accusations about CSCOPE have proven to be utterly groundless.

Grits explains again why more security cameras do not equal more security.


  1. I agree with Noah. Uber, and similar folks, aren't taxi companies. They're quasi-libertarian free riders, trying to avoid things like corporate liability insurance. Love the new word, "ubertarian."

  2. And, confirming this? From the new issue of GQ, a temporary Uber drive talks about the "snob appeal" of the service.


What do you think?