The Texas Progressive Alliance welcomes the opening of the Texas Legislature's 83rd session and hopes that it actually tries to make the Lone Star State a better place as it brings you this week's roundup.
Off the Kuff discusses what some new state legislators are saying about education and the questions they should be asking but aren't.
The GOP is for more of the same -- demonizing the poor and less fortunate -- while the Democrats are for finding reality-based solutions that help everyone get ahead. WCNews at Eye on Williamson points this out: Fairness and equality (are) missing from Texas economy.
There were a few under-reported environmental developments in Texas last week, so PDiddie at Brains and Eggs reported on them.
BossKitty at TruthHugger had to laugh at the low-brow War on Kwanzaa, then got riled at the Sunday Morning talk shows: Drop the script written by bitter old men!
Over at Texas Kaos, Libby Shaw explains how John Cornyn threatens to wreck our government. Check it out.
Neil at Texas Liberal posted that he left the woods for the safety of the city.
Off the Kuff discusses what some new state legislators are saying about education and the questions they should be asking but aren't.
The GOP is for more of the same -- demonizing the poor and less fortunate -- while the Democrats are for finding reality-based solutions that help everyone get ahead. WCNews at Eye on Williamson points this out: Fairness and equality (are) missing from Texas economy.
There were a few under-reported environmental developments in Texas last week, so PDiddie at Brains and Eggs reported on them.
BossKitty at TruthHugger had to laugh at the low-brow War on Kwanzaa, then got riled at the Sunday Morning talk shows: Drop the script written by bitter old men!
Over at Texas Kaos, Libby Shaw explains how John Cornyn threatens to wreck our government. Check it out.
Neil at Texas Liberal posted that he left the woods for the safety of the city.
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