The Texas Progressive Alliance is overloading on the Olympics as it brings you this week's roundup.
The TPA also reminds you to cast your ballot at your precinct poll tomorrow in the runoff elections happening throughout the state.
Off the Kuff notes that for a guy who claims to hate the federal government, Rick Perry sure gives them a lot of opportunities to get involved in Texas' business.
BossKitty at TruthHugger was on a roll this week. In America and Collateral Damage and Double Jeopardy, the NCAA went overboard when they punished past, present and future Penn State students. Too many Americans have been tricked into believing that the government can no longer help them and their families. Until enough people realize that as a lie, take back the government, and use it to bring economic equality back we will continue in this depression.
WCNews at Eye on Williamson says it's the inequality, stupid.
As long as Mitt Romney didn't bring bacon-wrapped shrimp to the Knesset after leaving London, then last Thursday was the worst day of his European vacation, writes PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.
CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wants you to know that Republicans at Texas A&M are thrilled to give our money to North Carolina while screwing Texas workers.
Neil at Texas Liberal wrote about an interesting and expansive definition of life that he read about in New Scientist magazine.
Off the Kuff notes that for a guy who claims to hate the federal government, Rick Perry sure gives them a lot of opportunities to get involved in Texas' business.
BossKitty at TruthHugger was on a roll this week. In America and Collateral Damage and Double Jeopardy, the NCAA went overboard when they punished past, present and future Penn State students. Too many Americans have been tricked into believing that the government can no longer help them and their families. Until enough people realize that as a lie, take back the government, and use it to bring economic equality back we will continue in this depression.
WCNews at Eye on Williamson says it's the inequality, stupid.
As long as Mitt Romney didn't bring bacon-wrapped shrimp to the Knesset after leaving London, then last Thursday was the worst day of his European vacation, writes PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.
CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wants you to know that Republicans at Texas A&M are thrilled to give our money to North Carolina while screwing Texas workers.
Neil at Texas Liberal wrote about an interesting and expansive definition of life that he read about in New Scientist magazine.
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