Monday, April 23, 2012

The American Bandstand Wrangle

The Texas Progressive Alliance honors the life of Dick Clark by bringing you a weekly roundup with a good beat that you can dance to.

Off the Kuff began a series of interviews with Congressional candidates in contested primary races, publishing conversations with Congressman Silvestre Reyes, state representative Pete Gallego, and former Congressman Ciro Rodriguez.

Republicans are talking like they want a race war. Either that, or they want to just kill all the liberals. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs documents last week's conservative verbal atrocities.  

BossKitty at TruthHugger has had enough of 2012 Zombie Voters.  

BlueBloggin wants American voters to understand that until they force honesty and accountability from the leaders they elect, they will become subjects to the Koch Brothers Machine versus American Destiny.

We do, in fact, have a revenue problem in Texas. But there are few of either party willing to admit it. WCNews at Eye On Williamson points that out in this post: Little human interest side notes.  

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme sees the republicans escalating its war on women.

At TexasKaos, Libby Shaw brings us up to date on what Governor Oops is up to, and it isn't pretty. Read Rick Perry Grovels for Norquist While His War On Women, Children and the Poor Continues.

Neil at Texas Liberal posted the newsletter of Occupy Wall Street: Houston. A strong effort is being made to reboot the Occupy effort in Houston, as OWSH is meeting on a regular basis and has a new Facebook page where you can join in and take part.

Stace at Dos Centavos tells us about a study which slams higher education in Texas. The post is basically an "I told you so!" about Texas' screwed-up priorities in pushing Tier 1 funding while leaving retention and graduation rates to suffer.

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