Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Obama denies KXL's permit; work on pipeline continues

And TransCanada will resubmit their proposal with a new route through Nebraska. Politico:

"This announcement is not a judgment on the merits of the pipeline, but the arbitrary nature of a deadline that prevented the State Department from gathering the information necessary to approve the project and protect the American people,” Obama said in a statement. “I’m disappointed that Republicans in Congress forced this decision, but it does not change my administration’s commitment to American-made energy that creates jobs and reduces our dependence on oil."

Hours before the announcement, environmental groups that consider Keystone a potential ecological disaster were signaling their glee with the expected decision. Meanwhile, congressional Republicans and GOP presidential candidates accused the administration of placating its green allies ahead of creating U.S. jobs.

I had given up any hope of stopping this calamity until about a month ago, when the House TeaBaggers screwed the pooch by including a provision to force a decision in 60 days as part of their capitulation on the payroll tax cut. Honestly, when I think about how blessed Obama has been with the ineptitude of his opposition, I just have to laugh.

And the pipeline may still come to be, Obama in the White House or no. But today's news has to be cheered for those who fought against the powerful, entrenched interests of the oil companies, and won.

The battle to kill this piece of shit for good goes on, however.


  1. In a fit of pique, the Obama administration rejected a proposal that has been years on teh drawing board.

    Good thing that the American economy is in such good shape that we don't need these jobs -- and that we are so energy independent that we don't need this oil from a friendly source.

  2. Let's be honest here. This proposal was submitted in 2008. It isn't like the administration had only 60 days to look at it -- they had THREE YEARS and sixty days to look at it. What's more, the 60 day deadline included a provision that allowed for the approval of the entire pipeline but for the disputed Nebraska section, wit a rerouted section to be approved later if the administration rejected the current Nebraska proposal. in other words, there was no LEGITIMATE reason to reject the entire proposal -- and no non-partisan reason to blame the GOP for that rejection, since they left Obama with an out.

  3. Wrong again, and wrong all over the place. And here's six reasons you're wrong, courtesy of Fox:


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