Monday, July 11, 2011

"Pull off the Band-Aid. Eat your peas."

"And stop your baby whining."

Personally I'm a fan of "Don't make me spank you," and an even bigger fan of "This is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you," and "Bend over and take your medicine".

The last time Obama told Republicans to grow up, he got the following response from the Pride of Texas, John Cornyn. Our senator's little pussy outburst made Cenk Uygur's Con Job of the Day.

I can't wait to see Cornyn's head explode again.

Update: Mitch McConnell blinks -- and gets reamed for it -- and frequent freak-right commenter Greg throws his own temper tantrum (in the comments).


  1. Personally I'm a fan of "Don't make me spank you," and an even bigger fan of "This is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you," and "Bend over and take your medicine".

    This tells me three things.

    1) You are a Barney Frank Democrat. ;)

    2) You don't believe that dissent is patriotic now that Obama is President -- you believe it worthy of punishment.

    3) You are more than prepared to support threats and use of physical violence against dissenters in order to coerce them into going along with policies you support.

    Point one is humor. Points two and three is why you and your ilk need to be stopped now and denied any power in the future if we are to remain a free people.

  2. Me and "my ilk" are LOFAO at you, big boy.


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